Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Potty-Training Day

https://images-cdn.reedsy.com/discovery/book/4802/cover/large_f19cb52b9f237116c61331f5326e9bf23d052e6f.jpg Title: Potty-Training Day

Author: Akilah Trinay and Ziana T. Washington 

Publisher: Revision Publishing LLC

Genre: Children's Fiction


Together ZiZi and Mommy explore the joys, challenges and frustrations when transitioning from being a baby into becoming a Big Girl. 

Potty Training is not a one-size-fits-all process, and everyone experiences it differently. Potty-Training Day celebrates that space in between where your little one is curious and ready and as a parent you are eager and scared for what a potty-trained baby really means.

My Review:

Potty-Training Day, written by Akilah Trinay and Ziana T. Washington is illustrated by Brad Myers. Akilah is an author, educator, and used to be a radio host. She is also the owner of Revision Publishing. Akilah’s first book was Beyond the Hurt.

Potty-Training Day is about a little girl named Ziana. Ziana launches into the story by introducing herself and informing the reader about all the things that she likes to do. When her mom calls to her, Ziana invites the reader to join her in her adventures. In this story, Ziana is beginning the potty-training journey, and she is feeling apprehensive. She wants to please her mom by going potty on the toilet, yet she does not feel ready to give up her diapers yet.

Potty-Training Day is a truly relevant book as all children will have a day that they start potty-training on. While there are many books on “going” potty, this is the first that I have come across with the focus on the first potty training day. Told in a rhyming format this story moves quickly. The eye-catching cover conveys the theme of the story.

There are several things that I enjoyed in this story. To begin with, I love that the toilet is pink and not white, as it captures the reader’s eye and conveys the message of the story. Second, the illustrations are fun and engaging. Third, the different colors and fonts brought out the text and made it more engaging. Finally, it was meticulously edited.

There were a few things that did not connect for me. First, Ziana was very well-spoken and at the end of the story, very insightful. I am not sure what age she is supposed to be, but most children who are entering the potty-training phase are not that articulate. Second, the mom had her shoes on for some pictures and not for others, it was not consistent.

All things considered; it was a charming book. I think little girls who are just beginning their potty-training journey will enjoy this book. From the pink and purple illustrations to the angst that Ziana feels about this new journey, little girls (and their parents) will be able to relate. Potty-Training Day would be a great addition to home and local libraries.

 This review was first posted on Reedsy Discovery here.

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