Showing posts with label Nonfiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nonfiction. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

Elon Musk

Title: Elon Musk

Author: Walter Isaacson

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Genre: Biography, Nonfiction, 

Source: Front Gate Media

My Review:

I knew very little about Elon Musk before reading Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. I knew he had worked with Tesla and took over Twitter, and I can't say I knew much more than that.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Abridged Classics

Title: Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t

Author: John Atkinson

Publisher: Harper

Genre: Graphic Novel, Humor, Nonfiction, Books about Books

Source: Library

My Review:

Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t is not a book I would typically read. However, upon seeing the title, I thought this would be a book about classics I could actually read. I was right.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Treasure Bookmaking

Title: Treasure Bookmaking: Crafting Handmade Sustainable Journals

Author: Natasa Marinkovic

Publisher: Mango

Genre: Crafts, Art, Nonfiction,

Source: Own

My Review:

I recently heard about junk journaling and was curious to learn more. When I was researching, Treasure Bookmaking popped up, and I knew I had to explore this book more.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

ADHD is Awesome

Title: ADHD is Awesome: A Guide to (mostly) Thriving with ADHD

Author: Penn and Kim Holderness

Publisher: Harper Horizon

Genre: Self-Help, ADHD, Nonfiction, Parenting, Mental Health

Source: Library

My Review:

I happened upon ADHD is Awesome at the library and grabbed it on a whim. I don't have ADHD but my daughter does. I wanted to understand more about ADHD so I could support her better, and know how to communicate better with her.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Friends and the Golden Age of the Sitcom

Title: Friends and the Golden Age of the Sitcom

Author: Joanna Hagan

Publication date: November 30, 2024

Publisher: White Owl

Genre: Nonfiction

Source: Net Galley

My Review:

When I saw Friends and the couch on the cover of this book, I immediately wanted to read it. I had never heard of Joanna Hagan, but I wanted to hear more about Friends and was curious about Friends and the Golden Age of the Sitcom.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hello Sleep

Title: Hello Sleep: The Science and Art of Overcoming Insomnia Without Medications

Author: Jade Wu, PhD

Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials

Genre: Self-Help, Nonfiction, Health

Source: Library

My Review:

My functional medicine doctor had heard great things about Hello Sleep, so she recommended I read it.  

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Everything is Okay

Title: Everything is Okay

Author: Debbie Tung

Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing

Genre: Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction

Source: Library

My Review:

Everything is Okay by Debbie Tung is not the easiest read, but it is necessary, especially for anyone who is struggling with depression and anxiety or knows anyone who is struggling.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sleep Smarter - Quick Review

Title: Sleep Smarter 21 Essential Strategies To Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success

Author: Shawn Stevenson

Publisher: Rodale Wellness

Genre: Self-Help, Nonfiction,

Source: Library

My Review:

When I saw a blogger friend reading Sleep Smarter 21 Essential Strategies To Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success, I knew I needed to check it out. As someone who hasn't slept well in many years, I am always looking for more ways to sleep better.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Dolly Parton Behind the Seams

Title: Dolly Parton Behind The Seams: My Life in Rhinestones

Author: Dolly Parton

Publisher: Ten Speed Press

Genre: Nonfiction, Memoir, Biography

Source: Library

My Review:

Dolly Parton is such an iconic figure, that when I saw this book, I had to read it. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

The Allergy Book-Quick Review

Title: The Allergy Book: Solving Your Family's Nasal Allergies, Asthma, Food Sensitivities, and Related Health and Behavioral Problems

Author: Robert W. Sears & William Sears

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company

Genre: Health, Parenting, Allergies, Nonfiction

Source: Library

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Gilmore Girls Companion

Title: The Gilmore Girls Companion

Author: A. S. Berman

Genre: Nonfiction, Television, Pop Culture

Publisher: BearManor Media

Source: Library

My review:

I happened uponThe Gilmore Girls Companion by A. S. Berman in the library. I immediately grabbed it because I did not know it existed. I loved the TV show.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing

Title: Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing

Author: Matthew Perry

Genre: Memoir, Nonfiction,

Publisher: Flatiron Books

Source: Library

My review:

I chose to read Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing because I loved the TV sitcom Friends. I was very curious to learn more about Matthew Perry.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

I'd Rather Be Reading

Title: I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of The Reading Life

Author: Anne Bogel

Genre: Nonfiction, Books about Books, Memoir

Publisher: Baker Books

Source: Kindle Unlimited

Challenge: Virtual TBR, 50 Books Challenge

My review:

I read I'd Rather Be Reading for over a month.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Raising Emotionally Strong Boys

Title: Raising Emotionally Strong Boys: Tools Your Son Can Build on for Life

Author: David Thomas

Genre: Parenting, Self-Help, Leadership, Nonfiction

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

Source: Net Galley

My Review:

I found Raising Emotionally Strong Boys an enlightening read.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection

Title: Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection

Author: Will Hutcherson & Chinwe Williams, PH.D.

Genre: Nonfiction, Parenting, Mental Health

Publisher: Parent Cue

Source: Own

My Review:

Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, or anyone who works with youth in any capacity.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Bibliophile: Diverse Spines

Title: Bibliophile: Diverse Spines

Author: Jamise Harper

Illustrator: Jane Mount

Publisher: Chronicle Books

Genre: Nonfiction, Books about Books, Reference

Source: Library

My review:

The cover of Bibliophile: Diverse Spines is beautiful. I love that it has an attached bookmark (something a true book nerd can appreciate). The illustrations are eye-catching and engaging.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Little Pieces of Hope

Title: Little Pieces of Hope: Happy-Making Things in a Difficult World

Author: Todd Doughty

Illustrator: Josie Portillo

Publisher: Penguin Life

Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help

Source: Library

My Review:

I had never heard of Todd Doughty before one of my bookish friends recommended this book.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf

Title: I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf

Author: Grant Snider

Publisher: Abrams ComicArts

Genre: Graphic Novel, Nonfiction, Humor

Source: Library

My Review:

I had not heard of Grant Snider before this book. Once I saw this cover I HAD to read this book. I love that it is a hardcover book and that it has that little square cut out where the guy's face is. It just adds to the fun.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday Spotlight #8-Hosanna in Excelsis

Happy Sunday, friends! A few weeks ago I started doing a "Sunday Spotlight" where I highlight a book/author that deserves more love!  I take a book that I have read and enjoyed that has less than 100
reviews on Goodreads and give it some extra love by drawing it to your attention! Maybe someday I will host a link party (if I can figure it out) to make it easier to participate. 

Title: Hosanna in Excelsis

Author: David & Barbara Leeman

Publisher: Moody

Genre: Christmas, Nonfiction

23 Ratings 10 Reviews

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Medical Medium Liver Rescue

 Title: Medical Medium Liver Rescue

Author: Anthony William

Publisher: Hay House, Inc.

Genre: Health, Self-help, Education, Nonfiction

My review:

This book was way more interesting than I thought it would be. I borrowed it from the library with the intent to just skim it.