Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hello Sleep

Title: Hello Sleep: The Science and Art of Overcoming Insomnia Without Medications

Author: Jade Wu, PhD

Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials

Genre: Self-Help, Nonfiction, Health

Source: Library

My Review:

My functional medicine doctor had heard great things about Hello Sleep, so she recommended I read it.  

First, I did not do the Hello Sleep Program outlined in the book. It wasn't because I didn't want to, but because I could not keep the book out of the library long enough to do the program.

Would I been able to give a better review had I tried the Hello Sleep Program? Yes, but regardless, here we are.

The book has a lot of useful information. Some that you will have read somewhere else, and some that are new. While I didn't agree with everything that was stated, I can see the value of this book among others that deal with insomnia. The author clearly outlines what is and what is not insomnia,what healthy sleep looks like, and outlines several ways to reset your sleep, allowing your body to enjoy better sleep. 

No matter what age you are, the author has valuable things to say about sleep for your age. She also covers things like pregnancy, menopause, and other life transitions that change and affect your sleep.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

A practical and compassionate guide to repairing your relationship with sleep

For the twenty-five million Americans who struggle with insomnia, each night feels like a battle with their racing minds instead of a blissful surrender into sleep. Hello Sleep is a guide for the tired but wired people who just want sleep to be easy. Dr. Jade Wu, an internationally recognized behavioral sleep medicine specialist, walks you through the science of how the brain sleeps (or doesn’t); shares stories from the clinic of real people’s journeys to better sleep; and lays out a step-by-step program for overcoming insomnia and letting go of sleeping pills. Using her years of clinical expertise, she problem-solves your common pitfalls, soothes your anxieties, and tailors recommendations for your special sleep circumstances (e.g., pregnancy, menopause, chronic pain, depression, etc.).

Hello Sleep empowers the sleepless with the latest knowledge and most effective tools, allowing them to trust themselves and their own sleep again. It will answer these burning questions and

• Why can’t I fall asleep even though I’m tired? How can I quiet my mind?

• What should I do when I wake up at 2:00 A.M. and can’t get back to sleep?

• Should I nap? What can I do about my fatigue during the day?

• How do I get off sleep medications safely and without rebound insomnia?


  1. I wish getting more sleep was as easy as reading a book!

    1. Lark, RIGHT?! We'd always wake up refreshed, LOL!

  2. What was the book's best tip? I rarely get insomnia but when I do it's very frustrating and nothing seems to help. I hoped it helped you.

    1. Susan, in an odd way, the author talked about being "in a relationship" with sleep, kind of like you need to spend more time with it, in order to work on it. But, not stressing about it. I am blanking on some of the other stuff right now, sorry. If it had been my book I could refer back to it and give a better answer.
