Showing posts with label Christian Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Living. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Delighting in Jesus

Title: Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out

Author: Asheritah Ciuciu

Publisher: Moody Publisheres

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help, 

Source: Moody Publishers

My Review:

Delighting in Jesus is the first book I have read by Asheritah Ciuciu, but it will not be my last. It is one of those books that touches you so profoundly that it is hard to find the right words to write a review, but I am going to do my best.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House

Title: Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House He Cares About Your Heart

Author: Dana K. White

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help, Christian Living

Source: Front Gate Media

My Review:

Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House is the first book I have read by Dana White. After reading her book, I want more people to hear about her, especially if you struggle with keeping a clean house. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Deep-Rooted Marriage

Title: The Deep-Rooted Marriage

Author: Dan B. Allender, PhD and Steve Call, PhD

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help, Christian Living

Source: Publisher Provided

My Review:

I am always looking for books that will improve me, my family, my life, LOL! So when I saw that The Deep-Rooted Marriage was up for review, I requested a copy. I am very happily married but I feel that there is always room for improvement.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Ten Words to Live by

Title: Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands

Author: Jen Wilkin

Publisher: Crossway

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

Ten Words to Live By is a deep dive into the Ten Commandments. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

A Diary of Private Prayer

Title: A Diary of Private Prayer

Author: John Baillie

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Genre: Nonfiction, Devotional Classic, Prayer, 

Source: Library

My Review:

I can see why John Baillie's A Diary of Private Prayer is a devotional classic. I want to say the book is simply a book of prayers, but there is nothing simple about them.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Intentional Year

Title: The Intentional Year: Simple Rhythms for Finding Freedom, Peace, and Purpose

Author: Holly + Glenn Packiam

Publisher: NavPress

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-Help, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

I was not far into reading The Intentional Year when I realized I needed to own this book. It is one to sit with, ponder, and savor. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The New Loneliness + Giveaway

 The New Loneliness JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for The New Loneliness by Cindi McMenamin hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: The New Loneliness: Nurturing Meaningful Connections When You Feel Isolated
Author: Cindi McMenamin
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Release Date: January 7, 2025
Genre: Christian Personal Growth

My review:

The New Loneliness is an incredible book. I volunteered to review it based on the title alone, and I am glad I did. I have been in a long season of loneliness since we moved states two years ago. I figured I would connect with the book. I did, but not in the ways I expected.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Catching Whimsy

Title: Catching Whimsy: 365 Days of Possibility

Author: Bob Goff

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Devotional, Christian Living, Inspirational

Source: Net Galley

My Review:

I enjoy reading Bob Goff's books. When I saw Catching Whimsy on Net Galley, I immediately requested to read it.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Finding Jesus + Giveaway

Title: Finding Jesus: A Fun and Meaningful Countdown to Christmas

Author: Lillian Richey

Illustrator: Lauren Cox

Publisher: Finding Jesus, LLC

Genre: Christian, children

Source: Front Gate Media

My Review:

I wish Finding Jesus existed when my children were little. We love to celebrate the Christmas season with an Advent calendar, picture books, and a Jesse tree where we had ornaments that represented each scripture that was in the Jesse Tree book. For a few years we even did Elf on the Shelf.  I would have much rather my children found Jesus than Elf on the Shelf 😂!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Fit God's Way

Title: Fit God's Way: Your Bible-Based Guide to Food, Fitness, & Wholeness

Author: Kim Dolan Leto

Publisher: Salem Books

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Health, Fitness

Source: Own

My Review:

I bought Fit God's Way: Your Bible-Based Guide to Food, Fitness, & Wholeness on a whim this past summer. I was in Baker Bookhouse browsing, saw the book, and grabbed it and I am so glad I did!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Be Concerned

Title: Be Concerned: Making a Difference in Your Lifetime

Series: The "Be" Commentary

Author: Warren Wiersbe

Publisher: David C. Cook

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Commentary

Source: Own

My Review:

My go-to commentaries are the "Be" series by Warren Wiersbe. I have had Be Concerned for years but had never read it. It focuses on the Minor Prophets: Amos, Obadiah, Micah, and Zephaniah.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wait and See

Title: Wait and See: Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans

Author: Wendy Pope

Publisher: David C Cook

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help,

Source: Own

My Review:

 My two favorite quotes from Wait and See:Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans:

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Title: Thirsty: 12 Weeks of Drinking Deeply from God's Word

Author: Hannah C. Hall

Publisher: Revell

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help, devotional, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

I bought Thirsty: 12 Weeks of Drinking Deeply from God's Word on a whim and I am so glad I did. I was unfamiliar with Hannah C. Hall's writing, as she had previously only written children's books.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Storm Inside

Title: The Storm Inside: Trade the Chaos of How You Feel for the Truth of Who You Are

Author: Sheila Walsh

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, self-help, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

I don't know what to say about The Storm Inside: Trade the Chaos of How You Feel for the Truth of Who You Are by Sheila Walsh. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tired of Being Tired

Title: Tired of Being Tired: Receive God's Realist Rest For Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion

Author: Jess Connolly

Publisher: Baker Books

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Christian Living, Mental Health,

Source: Own

My Review:

As someone who is tired of being tired, when I saw Jess Connolly's book, Tired of Being Tired: Receive God's Realist Rest For Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion, I knew I had to read it.

Friday, June 21, 2024

What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven?

Title: What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven?

Series: What if Jesus Was Serious

Author: Skye Jethani

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Theology, Devotional, Christian Living

Publisher: Brazos Pres

Source: Own

My Review:

Skye Jethani has become an "auto" read author. I have read all his books in the What If Jesus Was Serious series. What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven? is best read slowly, allowing time to ponder each section. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

I'll Be There

Title: I'll Be There (But I'll Be Wearing Sweatpants)

Author: Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-Help, Christian Living, Mental Health

Source: Own

My Review:

I'll Be There (But I'll Be Wearing Sweatpants) is easy to read, relatable, and informative.

Monday, May 27, 2024

12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger

12 Ways to Age Gracefully JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for 12 Ways to Age Gracefully by Susan U. Neal, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

Title: 12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger
Author: Susan U. Neal
Publisher: Iron Stream Media
Release Date: May 28, 2024
Genre: Non-fiction

My Review:

12 Ways to Age Gracefully is the first book I have read by Susan Neal, but it will not be my last. I have already downloaded several of her books that she recommends in this book.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge

Title: 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge Read the Whole Bible, Change Your Whole Life

Author: Mary DeMuth

Publisher: Bethany House

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Christian Living, Self-Help

Source: Own

My Review:

As soon as 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge Read the Whole Bible, Change Your Whole Life crossed my radar I knew I wanted to read it. I had read another book by Mary DeMuth and enjoyed it. Plus, I have read the Bible, but never in such a short time frame.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Breath as Prayer

Title: Breath as Prayer: Calm your anxiety, focus your mind, and renew your soul

Author: Jennifer Tucker

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Spirituality, Prayer, Christian Living, Self-Help

Source: Library

My Review:

Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your Soul is the first book I have read by Jennifer Tucker.