Showing posts with label Books about Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books about Books. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

An Overdue Match

Title: An Overdue Match

Series: Checking Out Love #1

Author: Sarah Monzon

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction, RomCom

Source: Library

My Review:

An Overdue Match had my attention from the first line. The humor drew me in. This is the first book in the Checking Out Love series by Sarah Monzon.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Abridged Classics

Title: Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t

Author: John Atkinson

Publisher: Harper

Genre: Graphic Novel, Humor, Nonfiction, Books about Books

Source: Library

My Review:

Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t is not a book I would typically read. However, upon seeing the title, I thought this would be a book about classics I could actually read. I was right.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Story People

Title: The Story People

Author: Heather Kaufman

Publisher: Concordia Publishing House 

Genre: Christian Fiction, Books about Books, Contemporary Romance

Source: Library

My Review:

The Story People is the first book I have read by Heather Kaufman. It's always hard to know what to expect when you read an author for the first time.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Clock Tower Bound

Title: Clock Tower Bound

Series: Bookstrings #2

Author: Chautona Havig

Publisher: Havilah Press Publications

Genre: Christian Fiction, Books about Books, Contemporary

Source: Own

My Review:

Clock Tower Bound is the second book in the Bookstrings series. It can be read as a stand-alone novel, but I recommend reading them (including the novellas) in order. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Twice Sold Tales (reread review!)

Title: Twice Sold Tales

Series: Bookstrings #1

Author: Chautona Havig

Publisher: Havilah Press Publications 

Genre: Books About Books, Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance,

Source: Own

My thoughts upon reading for the second time:

 My second reading of Twice Sold Tales was even richer than my first reading. I recently read the novella Spines and Leaves which gives us great background on Milton (the book doctor) and Atticus (his parrotlet).

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Spines and Leaves

Title: Spines and Leaves

Series: A Bookstrings Novella #.5

Author: Chautona Havig

Publisher: Chautona Havig

Genre: Christian Fiction, Bookish books, Contemporary Romance

Source: Own

My Review:

Having read Twice Sold Tales, I was thrilled to find out there was a novella. Spines and Leaves is the perfect introduction to the series.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Bookish Bandit

Title: The Bookish Bandit

Series: The Bookish Romance (TBR series)

Author: Erica Dansereau & Britt Howard

Publisher: Erica Dansereau & Britt Howard

Genre: Christian fiction, Books about books, romance

Source: Library

My Review:

I believe The Bookish Bandit is the first book these authors have written together. I love the play on words as it is the TBR series. The cover is super cute and drew me in.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The All-American

Title: The All-American

Author: Susie Finkbeiner

Publisher: Revell

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction,

Source: Revell

My Review:

I am on a Susie Finkbeiner kick. I am trying to read all her books and every time I turn around (it seems). I learn about another one she has written. I absolutely love the cover of The All-American, her newest release. We have come, yet again, to a story that will be hard for me to explain all that I felt as I read this story.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Twice Sold Tales

Title: Twice Sold Tales

Series: Bookstrings #1

Author: Chautona Havig

Publisher: Havilah Press Publications 

Genre: Books About Books, Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance,

Source: Library

Challenge: Books About Books

My Review:

It's been a while since I have read a book by Chautona Havig. I was drawn to Twice Sold Tales when I heard the setting was a bookstore (plus that cover!!!). It started getting a lot of hype, and I decided to reserve it from the library.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Parnassus on Wheels and The Haunted Bookshop

: Parnassus on Wheels & The Haunted Bookshop

Series: Parnassus #1 & 2

Author: Christopher Morley

Genre: Fiction, Classic, Humor, Books about Books

Publisher: Dover Publication

Source: Library

Challenge: Books About Books

Friday, June 2, 2023

First Line Friday #93-Parnassus on Wheels

Happy Friday, my bookish friends! First Line Friday is hosted by Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower!!  I am also linking up with Gilion on Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. This is where you share the beginning of the book that you are reading. This week am reading Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley. I am enjoying the first book, it is an absolute delight!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Novel Proposal

Title: A Noval Proposal

Author: Denise Hunter

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction, Books About Books,

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Source: Library

My review:

I love reading Denise Hunter's books. Her writing is solid and consistent. I have to say A Novel Proposal has quickly topped my favorites of hers!!!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Bookish Books to read

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic Bookish People I’d Like To Meet (These can be authors, book characters, book bloggers/influencers, cover designers, cover models, etc.) Since I really don't have any thoughts on this topic today...I decided to instead list ten bookish books that I want to read (Which might help me with this topic next time it comes up 😂). Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten Bookish Books I want to read (and yes, you will have seen a few of these before because I own them and STILL haven't read them 🤦) 


Monday, February 27, 2023

Smitten Book Club

Title: Smitten Book Club

Series: Smitten #3

Author: Collen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, Denise Hunter

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction,

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Source: Own

Challenge: Literary Escapes 2022; 23 in '23, Bookish Books

My review:

Smitten Book Club is a novella collection by four authors. It is the third book in the Smitten collection, but I do not think you need to read the others before reading this one.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Of Literature & Lattes

Title: Of Literature & Lattes

Series: Winsome #2

Author: Katherine Reay

Genre: Books about Books, Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction,

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Source: Library

My review:

Of Literature & Lattes is the second book in the Winsome series by Katerine Reay. I should have reread the first book, The Printed Letter Bookshop. It was hard keeping the characters straight, especially at the beginning of the book.

Friday, February 17, 2023

First Line Friday #80-Of Literature & Lattes

Welcome back to First Line Friday hosted by Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower!!  I am also linking up with Gilion on Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. This is where you share the beginning of the book that you are reading. To join in the fun grab the book you are reading and leave a comment with the first line (or your link). This week I am reading Of Literature & Lattes by Katherine Reay. It is the second book in the Winsome duology. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Blackout Book Club

Title: The Blackout Book Club

Author: Amy Lynn Green

Genre: Historical Fiction

Publisher: Bethany House

Source: Bethany House

Challenges: Bookish Books Reading Challenge

My review:

I have been waiting for months to read The Blackout Book Club by Amy Lynn Green. I loved her first two books, Things We Didn't Say and The Lines Between Us.