Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Bookish Bandit

Title: The Bookish Bandit

Series: The Bookish Romance (TBR series)

Author: Erica Dansereau & Britt Howard

Publisher: Erica Dansereau & Britt Howard

Genre: Christian fiction, Books about books, romance

Source: Library

My Review:

I believe The Bookish Bandit is the first book these authors have written together. I love the play on words as it is the TBR series. The cover is super cute and drew me in.

While several people called this a romcom, it really isn't. There is some witty banter and humorous moments, but it's not a romantic comedy.

What I liked:

🕮 Charlie's fierce determination to find the truth

🕮 clean romance

🕮 Andrew's determination to fix the mess he created

🕮 how deeply Charlie's novel affected Andrew

What I didn't like:

🕮 Charlie's extreme impulsiveness

🕮 the way Andrew handled everything related to Charlie's novel

🕮 Charlie making assumptions and treating them as truth

Overall, I liked the story, but I wanted to love it.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

"Steal my heart, not my pages.”

Aspiring author Charlie Blaire never expected to stumble across her own novel at her favorite bookstore. Except this novel isn’t hers. Published under someone else’s name, the book she wrote to cope with the loss of her missionary parents is already topping charts. Irate, confused, and determined to regain the rights to her book, Charlie leaves her idyllic life in the countryside of Vermont to set things straight in The Big Apple. When she crashes into a charming stranger who offers to help, her faith in humanity and God’s handiwork is restored. But when secrets unravel and the final pages have been turned, what’s too good to be true may turn a blossoming love story into a star-crossed tragedy.

Andrew Ketner has it charm, good looks, a sizable inheritance, and an almost-guaranteed future at the helm of one of New York City’s most prestigious publishing houses. While life looks perfect from the outside, living in the shadow of an overbearing father while reeling from the faith-crushing weight of personal loss has left him feeling like he’s hardly living at all. When he stumbles across a discarded manuscript he is convinced will be an instant success, it sparks an ember of hope he thought was long extinguished. The world looks brighter until he finds himself thrown into an impossible situation. Will he protect his family’s legacy or end up falling in love with the woman whose novel they’ve unwittingly plagiarized?

1 comment:

  1. I like the title of this one. That would for sure get my attention. This sounds like a solid read, even if not one you loved. It's always a little disappointing when it just doesn't hit that love mark the way we want it to, isn't it?
