Author: Chautona Havig
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Christmas
Source: Kindle Own
My Review:
Advent by Chautona Havig is a quick read.
Author: Chautona Havig
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Christmas
Source: Kindle Own
My Review:
Advent by Chautona Havig is a quick read.
Series: Sinclair Sisters #3
Author: Jaycee Weaver
Publisher: Sandia Sky Press
Genre: Christian Fiction, Christmas, Contemporary Romance
Source: Kindle Unlimited
My Review:
Not Another Christmas is the third novella in the Sinclair Sisters trilogy. While it could easily stand alone, I recommend reading the books in order.
Authors: Sheila Roberts, Kathleen Fuller, Pepper Basham
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Chrsitmas
Source: Library
My Review:
Mistletoe Season has three Christmas novellas in it. I had not read anything by Sheila Roberts before, but I have loved several books by Kathleen Fuller and Pepper Basham. I went into it thinking I could skip a story if I didn't enjoy it, but it wasn't necessary because all three stories are wonderful.
Series: Sinclair Sisters #2
Author: Jaycee Weaver
Publisher: Sandia Sky Press
Genre: Christian Fiction, Christmas, Contemporary Romance
Source: Kindle Unlimited
My Review:
Now and Forever Christmas is the second novella in the Sinclair Sisters trilogy. While it could easily stand alone, I recommend reading the books in order.
Series: Holidays in Hadley Springs #1
Author: Tasha Hackett
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance,
Source: Author Provided ecopy
My Review:
Waiting for Gilbert is the first book I have read by Tasha Hackett, but it will not be the last. I was in the middle of reading this book when I knew I would want to reread it. I am not a huge re-reader, but I want a physical copy for my keeper shelf!
Series: Amish Babies #1
Author: Leigh Bale
Publisher: Love Inspired
Genre: Christian Fiction, Amish, Christmas, Contemporary Romance
Source: Own
My Review:
The Midwife's Christmas Wish by Leigh Bale is the first book in the Amish Babies series.
Author: Pepper Basham, Cara Putnam, Teresa Tysinger, Janine Rosche
Publisher: Whisper Valley Press
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Christmas
Source: Own
My Review:
A fun Christmas collection all set in Kedgewick Creek, North Carolina.
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is another freebie. I was going to go with covers with Christmas lights on them, but since I found exactly zero, I decided I should head in a different direction. Then I decided to share my top Christmas reads, until I realized I did that last year. So, I am going super generic and will be sharing books with Christmas trees on them. Then I am going to list a few things I am thankful for. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Top Ten Tuesday-Ten Christmas books with Christmas trees on them that I haven't read yet, have you?
Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Rediscovering Christmas by Mindy Obenhaus hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!
Title: Rediscovering Christmas
Series: Hope Crossing #6
Author: Mindy Obenhaus
Publisher: Love Inspired
Release Date: November 26, 2024
Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance
Title: Finding Jesus: A Fun and Meaningful Countdown to Christmas
Author: Lillian Richey
Illustrator: Lauren Cox
Publisher: Finding Jesus, LLC
Genre: Christian, children
Source: Front Gate Media
My Review:
I wish Finding Jesus existed when my children were little. We love to celebrate the Christmas season with an Advent calendar, picture books, and a Jesse tree where we had ornaments that represented each scripture that was in the Jesse Tree book. For a few years we even did Elf on the Shelf. I would have much rather my children found Jesus than Elf on the Shelf 😂!
Series: WITSEC Town #3.5
Author: Lisa Phillips
Publisher: Lisa Phillips
Genre: Suspense, Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance
Source: Library
My Review:
I am enjoying my time in Sanctuary. When I started reading the fifth book in the series it mentioned Shelby and Elliot, and since I had no idea who they were, I stopped reading it and started reading A Sanctuary Christmas Tale first.
Welcome to the Blog Tour for A Guardian Till Christmas by Danielle Thorne, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!
Title: A Guardian Till Christmas
Author: Danielle Thorne
Publisher: Love Inspired
Release Date: October 22, 2024
Genre: Inspirational Romance
Author: Toni Shiloh
Publisher: Bethany House
Genre: Christian Fiction, Romance, Christmas,
Source: Library/Bethany House
My Review:
You Make It Feel Like Christmas has a beautiful, eye-catching cover. It is a quick read, and not just because it is a novella.
Title: A Cross-Country Wedding
Series: Road Trip Romance #2
Author: Courtney Walsh
Publisher: Sweethaven Press
Genre: Christmas, Christian Fiction, Romcom, Contemporary Romance
Source: Kindle Unlimited
My Review:
I was finished reading Christmas stories. But, once I finished A Cross-Country Christmas, I HAD to immediately read A Cross-Country Wedding. While you could read this one as a stand-alone, I highly recommend reading A Cross-Country Christmas first. A Cross-Country Christmas is Lauren and Will's story, and this book is about their wedding.
Series: Road Trip Romance #1
Author: Courtney Walsh
Publisher: Sweethaven Press
Genre: Christmas, Christian Fiction, Contemporary Fiction
Source: Kindle Unlimited
My Review:
I was going to read A Cross-Country Wedding, but when I realized it was the second book in the series, I started with A Cross-Country Christmas. I am glad I did. The second book will give spoilers to this one, so if you haven't read them, start with this one, and then immediately start the second one (like I did 😉).
Author: Jolene Navarro
Publisher: Love Inspired
Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Christmas,
Source: Own
My Review:
Her Holiday Secret is the first book I have read by Jolene Navarro.
Author: Cynthia Ruchti
Publisher: Worthy Inspired
Genre: Christmas, Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance,
Source: Own
My Review:
An Endless Christmas is a standalone novella by Cynthia Ruchti.
Author: Susan May Warren
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, INc.
Genre: Christian Fiction, Christmas,
Source: Library
My Review:
I enjoy Susan May Warren's books, and The Christmas Bowl is no different.
Series: Sinclair Sisters #1
Author: Jaycee Weaver
Publisher: Sandia Sky Press
Genre: Christmas, Christian Fiction,
Source: Kindle Unlimited
My Review:
This & Every Christmas is the first book I have read by Jaycee Weaver, but it will not be my last. This is the first novella in the Sinclair Sisters trilogy.
Series: Apple Cart County Christmas #1
Author: Kaci Lane
Narrator: Lorana Hoopes
Publisher: Kaci Lane Creations
Genre: Christmas, RomCom, Contemporary Romance
Source: Hoopla
My Review:
Christmas in Dixie immediately pulled me in. Lorana Hoopes is an amazing narrator and I could listen to her voice all day. Kaci Lane has written the perfect Christmas story, full of humor, heart, and angst. I lost track of how many times "Are you ok?" was said, and I will be hearing it in my sleep, but this story was hilarious. I want to read everything she has ever written!