2025 Reading Challenges

After taking a challenge hiatus for 2024, I am ready to participate in challenges again! I have done the Goodreads reading challenge for a few years but had NO idea of the vast amount of reading challenges there are out there!  I am looking forward to participating in several challenges in 2025 and hope to see you around the challenges as well 😀 Let's cheer each other on and have some fun! Please click on the banner to be taken to the host for each challenge to see all the details and sign up.

Okay, first off, this in not an official challenge per say, but Chautona Havig was chatting on her Book Tube and decided she was going to get rid of 55 books before her 55th birthday in July. I LOVED this idea, so I will be joining her. I will be getting rid of 47 books before my 47th birthday on July 19. There are no hard and fast rules, just getting rid of books (unless she sets some). I am going to be getting rid of fiction and nonfiction. If I have read the book, it will be linked to a review, if I have not it will say (NR) beside it. Obviously, as a book nerd, books will still be coming in, and that is okay! The point is to clear off some books I know I will never read again (and don't want my children to have to take care of it when I am no longer here).

  1. Christmas in the Alps by Melody Carlson (DNF)
  2. Under the Texas Mistletoe by Karen Witemeyer
  3. Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster (loved it but got the copy I wanted 😀)
  4. Snowbound with the Amish Bachelor by Patricia Johns
  5. Building a Youth Ministry that Builds Disciples by Duffy Robbins (read but never reviewed)
  6.  A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert
  7. Dropping these here and will use them if needed, but too lazy to type them all out right now. I have read them all, not sure which ones have been reviewed, but I removed them from my shelves yesterday 1/4/25.
    A Hidden Motive by Hannah Alexander (I think I read it before I was reviewing books)
  9. Among the Innocent by Mary Alford
  10. Bayou Betrayal by Robin Caroll (Not sure if I read it or not, it wasn't even on my Goodreads list)
  11. Because You're Mine by Colleen Coble
  12. An Amish Quilting Bee by Amy Clipston
  13. An Amish Cinderella by Shelley Shepard Gray
  14. Emma by Jane Austen
  15. The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews-Did not read
  16. Because You're Mine by Colleen Coble
  17. Another lazy photo dump, I read most of these but not the top two.
    18. The Host by Stephanie Meyers (never read)


The Mount TBR Reading Challenge is hosted by Bev over at My Reader's Block. There are specific levels you can sign up for and I committed to 48 books (Mount Ararat) from my physical (owned) TBR shelf prior to the start of 2025 (funnily enough this is the exact level I signed up for when I did this one in 2022.

1. Crazy Rich Rednecks by Kaci Lane
2. A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert
3. The Intentional Year by Holly and Glenn Packiam
4.The Nine Tailors by Dorothy Sayers
5. Sara in Montana by Morris Fenris
6. Emma by Jane Austen
7. Jocelyn by Sarah Monzon
8. Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin
9. A Seaside Wonder by Melissa Tagg
10. Rescued by Love by Cami Checketts


The VIRTUAL MOUNT TBR CHALLENGE is for those of us who have a long "wish-list" of TBRs and who would like a chance to tackle those mountains. I signed up for: Mount Munch: Read 36 books from your Virtual TBR/Wish List/Library (again, same as 2022!)

1. Some Like it Scot by Pepper Basham
2. A Father for Her Boys by Danielle Grandinetti
3. The Nice Guy Next Door by Haley Zaragoza
4. The New Loneliness by Cindi McMenamin
5. Dear Mrs. Bird by AJ Pearce
6. The Hunted Heir by Jayna Breigh
7. Dear Mrs. Bird by AJ Pearce
8. A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie
9. Autumn by the Sea by Melissa Tagg
10. Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg

Next, I will be participating in Oceana's #ReadChristianRomance Challenge - they can be read in any order.

1. New Release- Some Like it Scot by Pepper Basham
2. New Author- The Hunted Heir by Jayna Breigh
3. New Purchase-
4. Animal on the Cover-
5. New Series-
6. Past Fave-Molly by Sarah Monzon
7. Wanted to Read-
8. In a series-Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg
9. Floral cover-Joceyln by Sarah Monzon
10. Fall Season- Autumn by the Sea by Melissa Tagg
11. Historical-
12. Christmas-

I have to support my blogger friend, Nicole. I will be doing her 2025 Reading Challenge. Here is what it looks like:
January-Sara in Montana by Morris Fenris

The last one I am considering doing is Chantel's 2025 Reading Challenge
The prompts are pretty loose, for example the first one is "beauty." It can be a book with the word beauty in the title, or a Beauty and the Beast retelling, or just something you think is beautiful. So, here are the prompts:

January-beauty=A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert

And, I added one more. I am going do Susan's (Bloggin' 'bout Books)  2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge  I am going to do level 1 which is 1-10 books. I am not going to list all the prompts here, only the ones I end up doing. 
#3-a mode of transportation -(tractor) Kaci Lane-Crazy Rich Rednecks
#5-an author that has a common name spelled in an uncommon way (i.e. Stephenie Meyer)-Cindi McMenamin-The New Loneliness
#9-A Summery Scene-A Father for Her Boys by Danielle Grandinetti
#11-a skeleton, bones, or a skull and crossbones-The Nine Tailors by Dorothy Sayers
#12-floral elements-Molly by Sarah Monzon
#14 a title or scent that makes you laugh-Some Like it Scot by Pepper Basham
#19 at least one person of color (POC)-Jocelyn by Sarah Monzon
#46 a proper noun in the title or design-Sara in Montana by Morris Fenris

Are you joining any challenges?!  I know I am not the only one who has bookshelves full of books that I need to read 😂 What challenges have you decided to do this year?

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