Thursday, February 6, 2025

Ten Words to Live by

Title: Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands

Author: Jen Wilkin

Publisher: Crossway

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

Ten Words to Live By is a deep dive into the Ten Commandments. 

"In the church today there exists a great forgetfulness about the role of the law in the life of the believer. This book is an exercise in remembrance."

Each chapter looks at one of the Ten Commandments. At the end of each chapter are verses for meditation and questions for reflection. Jen Wilkin gave me much to ponder. My favorite chapter and the one I found most thought-provoking was chapter three, "The Third Word." This chapter discusses taking the Lord's name in vain, but it goes so much further than that. There is no way I can properly explain it, but I will say I enjoyed the book, but this chapter alone would make the reading worth it.

A few more quotes:

"The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New have been placed in opposition, when in fact, they are one and the same. God does not change. His justice and compassion have always coexisted, and so have his law and his grace."

"The Ten Words show us how to live holy lives as citizens of heaven while we yet dwell on earth. For the believer, the law becomes a means of grace."

"We are made in the image of one God, to bear the image of one God. We cannot conform to both the image of God and the image of an idol."


Synopsis (Amazon):  

New from the Best-Selling Author of Women of the Word

Christianity isn’t about following rules, it’s about a relationship. The rise in popularity of this phrase coincides with a growing disinterest and misunderstanding regarding the role of God’s life-giving, perfect law in the Christian life. Rather than the source of joy it was intended to be, the law is viewed as an angry god’s restrictions for a rebellious people.

In Ten Words to Live By, Jen Wilkin presents a fresh biblical look at the Ten Commandments, showing how they come to bear on our lives today as we seek to love God and others, to live in joyful freedom, and to long for that future day when God will be rightly worshiped for eternity. Learn to see the law of God as a feast for your famished soul, open to anyone who calls on the name of the Lord.


  1. Thank you so much.

  2. We've been doing the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz and really enjoying it! The kids even look forward to sitting down every evening and listening. My husband and I are doing our own Bible in a Year in addition to the podcast (the one by the Augustine Institute) and it's also been really great! I'll keep this one in mind for a future read. ❤️

  3. Lindsi, it is good! Yay for your kiddos looking forward to the podcast as well, that is HUGE! Way to go!
