Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was okay. We went to the Toby Mac Hits deep tour in Columbus last Sunday night and didn't get home until 12:30 am, so we started off the week tired, but it was worth it, we had a blast.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? It was another WEEK around here. Time change made the week feel longer, we had multiple extra appointments, quite a few of our classes got canceled for sickness, we found out my mom's cancer is back, she will go on Monday to see what they are going to do about it, and I am beyond exhausted.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was A WEEK. My nephew went to the hospital last Saturday with a cough he has had for 2 months, on Tuesday he was diagnosed with cancer! A bit more on that below. My son is having friends over this evening, the worst timing with time-change, but thankful he has the opportunity. I will be hiding in my room with my books and computer 😁.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was busy with extra work, but I did manage to get caught up on my reviews (for now), probably because I had less time to read! I did finish the quilt I was working on with my blocks from the all Ohio Shop Hop (pictured below). This morning was work, and because the past few days have been packed, I am just now getting around to doing this post. I am looking forward to doing nothing but resting tomorrow (and you know, blogging, reading, LOL!).
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was hard and long. We got several updates on family members health that was not good, my sons lab work has quite a few abnormals, yet no word from his medical team, my husband's aunt went into hospice and passed yesterday, plus extra work. I had book club on Thursday and that went well. This morning is work and after that the plan is to go to Cleveland and see frozen Lake Erie. We'll go to Church tonight, and tomorrow will be a rest day.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was weird. My daughter was still sick and is finally on the mend. My husband came home from work early on Monday, just not feeling good, but not what our daughter had. I started feeling bad on Wednesday, by Thursday I just didn't feel great either. Mine feels like upper respiratory. I am resting and doing as little as possible 😂. I was super sad to hear the news of JoAnn Fabrics closing, the one I use all the time will be gone by the end of the month! My son had an appointment with rheumatology yesterday afternoon that ended with a referral to vascular and a ton of lab work. It still felt like a long week.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was busy and long. My daughter ended up sick so I was teaching all the classes for our business. I ended up canceling Friday's classes because I was having dizzy spells and just didn't feel great. I am teaching this morning, and we are trying Saturday evening Church instead of Sunday morning, so we'll see how that goes, but that means we can stay in all day Sunday and rest and relax.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was busy and long, with it raining all day Friday, it was just dreary. It didn't quite melt all the snow though. I am planning on the weekend being pretty chill, not doing much.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? We got more snow, which might be the new normal for a while, LOL! We have had snow on the ground since January 1. We are experiencing our first true Ohio winter since moving here a little over two years ago. I have another decent size book haul this week. My plan for this weekend is to work on a quilt, read, blog, play games with my family, to to Church, read some more, blog more, LOL. Nothing too exciting or stressful.
Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? We got more snow, which canceled a few of our classes, and my book club that was supposed to meet Thursday evening. I am feeling a bit under the weather, a respiratory thing, I think. I have another big book haul this week, but mostly library and review books. I plan to relax and do very little this weekend, what about you?!
Hey my bookish friends! Are the weeks going faster, or is it just me 😜? It was a long week and I think the days are gone where I have time to get my posts completed early. In addition to working, I have been trying to get caught up on all the things, and clean some things out. However, when I saw that the used bookstore near me was having a $5 bag sale since they are going out of business, my husband, son, and I spent an hour and a half in there Thursday morning. We still have all the snow from last weekend, and it has snowed most days this week (even when it hasn't been on the radar), and is currently snowing. It's crazy, but I do enjoy seeing it. How are things with you?
Happy New Year my bookish friends! I am slowly easing my way back into all the things after taking a break from everything that I could for the last week or so. We did travel to TN so it wasn't quite as restful as I would have liked, but that's okay. I didn't have time to do much reading or anything while I was gone, so not much to report today, LOL! We have gotten about a foot or so of snow in the last two days, it's beautiful, but it also blows my mind. I am still not used to this weather, but I am not complaining. How's the weather by you?
Hey bookish friends! It was a long, hard week. I worked most of today, and have a few things I will need to do tomorrow, so not quite as relaxing as I would like. My son and I both had doctors appointments this week and are impatiently waiting for them to review the results of our bloodwork, and next steps. We both have stuff going on, but they are different things. I can't believe that Christmas is on Wednesday! Are you ready? I am close, but not quite. I am behind on everything (including blogging) right now.
Hey bookish friends! It was a long week. I don't have many plans for the weekend. I plan to wrap presents, make sure I
have bought everything we need, and relax. What are you up to this weekend?
Hey bookish friends! It was another long week with multiple appointments. We also had a few extra classes (work), so the week was longer in that way as well.
However, I did get some answers from the medical tests I have been having that explain the chronic fatigue and stuff I have been dealing with, but my functional medicine doctor needs several days to figure out where to begin fixing me, LOL! I am thankful for answers and now to find the right direction to go in.
Hey bookish friends! These past couple of weeks have been busy. Some of last week's stress carried into this week. I was supposed to be off all week, but ended up working a few days at the beginning of the week. We were home for Thanksgiving and got most of our Christmas decorations up. Yesterday, I made a day to trip to Indianapolis, my kids were supposed to go with me, but when my daughter bailed, my son did as well. After being in the car for 10 hours yesterday, I plan to relax, blog, and read today, possibly with a nap thrown in. I am wiped out. Tomorrow will be church and a whole lot of relaxing. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Hey bookish friends! These past couple of weeks have been busy. This one had quite a bit of hard and stressful things. I have no idea what we are doing today,
possibly a hike, but probably just catching up on chores. Tomorrow will be church and a whole lot of relaxing. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Hey bookish friends! These past couple of weeks have been busy. I am currently sitting in a hotel in Downer's Grove, Illinois waiting on my husband to get ready so we can head back home. We got here on Wednesday and yesterday was the JustRead Rendezvous event. More than 50 Christian fiction authors were here, with 150+ readers. It was AMAZING and exhausting and I will be devoting an entire post to the event sometime this week. Tomorrow will be church and a whole lot of relaxing. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Hey bookish friends! It was a little bit of a lighter week, we didn't have classes on Thursday because of Halloween and that is our busiest day. My husband and I decided to go on another hike this morning and it was great. I was feeling a primitive trail this morning, and with yesterday's workout and the trail, I will be feeling it all weekend 😂. But, I don't mind because it means I did something. Tomorrow will be church and a whole lot of relaxing. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Hey bookish friends! I remember the days when I used to get this post typed up before Saturday, LOL! It is the middle of the day on Saturday and I am just now getting an opportunity to sit down and type this up. It was a long week with some hard things. However, it is the weekend and I am so thankful. My husband and I decided to go on a hike this morning and it was great just getting away from it all for a little bit. Later this afternoon we will celebrate my daughter's birthday (it was yesterday). Tomorrow will be church and a whole lot of relaxing. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?