Welcome to Cindy's Book Corner!!! I am so glad you are here. Just to let you know a little bit about me, I am married to my best friend, Matt. God has blessed us
with two
amazing young adults, Kayla and Elijah. We love to play games together
(board, video, it's all good!), explore new places, and watch movies or
TV together.
I am an avid reader. I struggled to learn to read until second grade when I had a great tutor and an encouraging teacher and from there my reading took off. I typically read a hundred books a year or more. I love to read contemporary fiction, stories about the Amish, christian suspense and mysteries, romance, stories that are lighthearted and funny. I do read some historical fiction and Biblical fiction as well. I do not like extremely graphic violent scenes, dying is okay, but I do not need to know ALL the details painted so vividly that I am sure to revisit them in my dreams (shudder). I do not like books with profanity and graphic sensual scenes. I tend to read "clean" reads, although I do occasionally end up with books that have profanity without realizing it.
I started this site to separate my book reviews from my family blog. To learn more about me and see ALL my reviews you can check out my profile on my other blog: https://encounterswiththedavisfamily.blogspot.com
Here are a few of my current favorite books:
For all my favorites you can check out my Goodreads account here.
What you WILL find here:
am a Christ-follower so you will see Bible verses, Christian books etc.
Obviously not everything I post has a mention of Christ, but I hope to
represent Him well through this blog.
HONESTY-No matter what I post or review or the reason for the review, I will always post my thoughts and opinions. I pick every book that I review so usually they will get a favorable review, because I am anticipating liking them.
What I hope you will find here:
Encouragement-Don't we all need it? I want to be an encouraging uplifting site, although I am sure there is some negativity/complaining in some of my posts...I am not perfect.
A Connection-I LOVE to connect with people and make friends. I love comments on the blog and opinions on what you would love to see here. Hopefully some of the stories I share here will make a difference.
What you will NOT find here:
Author bashing
Hateful reviews
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:17
ReplyDeleteI’m from the Path Forger Press team. We’re HUGE fans of role-playing games, outer space, and science fiction. Using our love for those topics we’ve created an amazing book children’s book, The Adventures of the Strata Corps, a fun and engaging story-driven activity book for kids of all ages.
The book is great because and it allows children to expand their imagination from the very first page. They’ll play the part of Starship Captain and lead their crew through a series of adventures by completing narrative-driven tasks and activities.
To see a bit more about us and our book, be sure to check us out on:
I’d really love to share the book with you for a review. Please let me know if you are at all interested. If so, I will get you a free copy over to you asap.
Hope to hear back from you!
Thanks very much,
Path Forger Press
Hi Bernadeth, I have a contact form for all review submissions. Please read my reviewer policy before submitting a request to be sure you book fits the guidelines. Thanks, Cindy