Monday, July 1, 2024

June 2024 Reading Wrap Up

June was a crazy, busy month that felt like about 600 years. I feel like I did a fair amount of reading, but I also felt like it was taking me forever to finish each book. So let's see what it actually looks like 😂. I read 15 books and DNF'd one. Click on the cover of the book if you are interested in the review.







Updates on my 2024 Tracking:

Goodreads: 112/200

Books from my physical bookshelves read: 17 (4 in June)

Kindle books that I own: 17 (0 in June)

Books read from library: 27 (2 in June)

Hoopla (library): 16 (6 in June)

Bought: 25 (0 in June)

Free Kindle Books added: 0

ARCs Read: 16 (3 in June)

Series completed: 8 (1 in June)

Kindle Unlimited read:12 (0 in June)

Won: 0

I did better this month with not buying anything! I need to still read more of what I own and less ARCs, yet I am signed up for 5 for July... 


  1. I felt like June went by fast. I hope July doesn't go by in a blur. And it's nice that you found so many 5- and 4-star books to read last month. I had more 3-star reads last month than normal. Here's hoping July is better. :D

  2. I still love that "Stevie Hates Shoes" cover. So cute.

  3. Sorry you felt like June dragged a bit. I normally hate that feeling. It looks like you had some good reads this month, though. I hope you have a great July!
