Friday, June 28, 2024

Renata and the Fall From Grace

Title: Renata and the Fall From Grace

Series: The Gustafson Girls #2

Author: Becky Doughty

Narrator: Becky Doughty

Publisher: Bravehearts Press

Genre: Christian Fiction, Romance,

Source: Hoopla

My Review: 

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Renata and the Fall From Grace took me on a rollercoaster of emotions!

Renata is not a likable character. She has to be in control of everything; if she is not, she simply walks away or throws a fit. She likes everyone to do what she says and has difficulty letting things go. One of the reasons I disliked Renata so much at the beginning is because I found her a little too relatable. What mom doesn't struggle with control? And thinking her way is best?

However, when tragedy strikes, Renata steps up to the plate. She is stronger than she thought she was, and stronger than the reader thinks. Her character growth is impressive.

There is one curse word in the book, but it is used appropriately and it is shocking and heartbreaking. My heart broke for the boy who said it. It is such a charged scene and so much going on.

Renata and the Fall From Grace is a hard read. When I got to a pivotal scene, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue the book. Not because it wasn't good, but because it was so hard, and it didn't go how I wanted it to! It took me a day or two to go back to the book. I had to see how it all played out, but I was heartbroken. This, my friends, is the sign of good writing. This book brought chills, tears, laughter, and so many other emotions. It is women's fiction at its finest. And, I ended up liking Renata, go figure, LOL!

If you enjoy women's fiction that is strong on faith (not preachy), emotions, and extremely well-written, I highly recommend this series. I also recommend reading it in order. The first two books could probably be read in either order, but there are hints to Phoebe's story and I want to see if my conclusions are right in the next book. I am sure the next two books will refer back to this one, which will give spoilers if you don't read it first. 

One final note, the author is the narrator and she does a fantastic job.


Synopsis (Goodreads):

Note: The Gustafson Girls series is Women’s Fiction with strong elements of romance, written from a Christian world view.

Renata Gustafson Dixon’s life is going exactly the way she wants it. Almost. A wonderful husband, four boys who fill her life with mostly joy and sometimes a little heartache now and then. She and John are giving things one last shot for the icing on the cake; a little girl with copper curls like John's and cupid bow lips like Renata's. Then Juliette, the oldest of the four Gustafson sisters, opens up a can of worms labeled ‘Angela Clinton’ at a G-FOURce meeting. Things are said and accusations made that can’t be taken back, sending Renata’s carefully-constructed world spinning out beyond her control. Renata must learn to set aside her own will and lean on the strength of those who love her before she loses all hope for the future.


When Paul and Simone Gustafson are killed by a drunk driver, the lives of their daughters change irrevocably. Although raised by loving grandparents, it’s the G-FOURce—the Gustafson Four Sisters Club—that binds them together when their differences would tear them apart. All grown up now, Juliette has become the quintessential doormat, Renata, the self-appointed matriarchal figure. Phoebe is, at least according to Renata, borderline narcissistic, and Gia is on the verge of a major identity crisis.

Then there’s Angela Clinton, the senior class darling who drove her cherry black 1970 el Camino into the side of their parents’ car on the night of Juliette’s high school graduation. Angela’s prison sentence is winding down; soon she’ll be eligible for parole and moving back to town. Will the G-FOURce be strong enough to hold them together as they step into the eye of the storm that’s been brewing for the last fifteen years? Will they finally be able to let go of the past and embrace the future, no matter what it holds?


  1. This sounds like a book that will break your heart but in a good way...if that even makes sense. And I love that you saw such growth in Renata's character. Happy Friday, Cindy! :D

    1. Lark, totally makes sense, and so true!! It was also unexpected!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Renata sounds like a complex character with a lot of growth, which I appreciate. I think many of us can relate to the struggle for control, so her journey to strength and self-realization is inspiring.

    1. Ethan, so true. As a mom, I related to her mom struggles as well.
