Monday, July 22, 2024

Clock Tower Bound

Title: Clock Tower Bound

Series: Bookstrings #2

Author: Chautona Havig

Publisher: Havilah Press Publications

Genre: Christian Fiction, Books about Books, Contemporary

Source: Own

My Review:

Clock Tower Bound is the second book in the Bookstrings series. It can be read as a stand-alone novel, but I recommend reading them (including the novellas) in order. 

Having read Twice Sold Tales TWICE and loving it both times, I had extremely high expectations for Clock Bound Tower. I struggled to get into it and even (gasp) thought about not finishing it. Why? Because the premise is built upon miscommunication and continues for a year with a lack of communication. This is one of the most obnoxious tropes for me. The second part I struggled with was Anne, who is thirty years old, wanting to be Anne Shirley to the point she dyes her hair and paints freckles on her face. While it is somewhat amusing, it is also annoying.

Now, for what kept me going: everything else. Gage is completely torn up that his two best friends are not talking to each other. Milton and Atticus are back. There are SO many great quotes about books, friendship, and so much more. Nadia's firm belief in doing what was right, even though it kept her and Anne's friendship fractured. 

I loved the second half of the book. I loved Milton and Gage's friendship and am always sad when Milton has to move on to his next job. I hope this is not the end of the series, and I hope that Milton gets a love interest! Not that he needs one to be complete, but because he seems to want one and does get lonely.

The story had themes of friendship (obviously broken), waiting on God's timing, redemption, and forgiveness. There were SO many beautiful moments in the story. Anne's love of the children who come into her story is truly inspiring. I loved Gage, his honesty, his integrity, and his heart. I could say so much more about the story, but I will end with give it a chance, and don't let the beginning convince you to miss the end. 


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

It's always a good time to read.Just ask Cezanne (just "Anne" if you please. Anne with an E) Montgomery. After her disastrous business breakup with her best friend, Anne left her beloved Berned Books in the dust and moved across the street to the building she'd always wanted for their bookstore. Clock Tower Bound might be small and floundering, but it has great potential.

If Berne, Indiana can support two bookstores that is.

Enter Milton Coleridge and his trusty parrotlet, Atticus (not finch). Anne is certain that Milton can ensure the success of a bookstore that emphasizes reader-author connections and keeping the younger generation in good literature.

Milton... isn't so certain. A town with a population of just over four thousand isn't exactly a gold mine for one store, much less two!  And then there's that problem with the ex-best friend. The one Anne won't talk about.

It'll take a lot more than fancy book release parties to make the store profitable--much more. Though he's not sure she wants to hear that. This project could take a degree in diplomacy. Too bad he missed that class in business school.

Three fractured friendships, two stores, and one totally unwanted solution.


  1. That miscommunication trope drives me crazy, too! At least this one ended well; though I'm not sure I would have stuck with it all the way to the end.

    1. Lark, I am SO glad I did! I enjoyed it, overall :)

  2. Usually sequels aren't as good as the first book, you peaked my interest in Twice Sold Tales will definitely look it up.

  3. It's great to hear that Clock Tower Bound ultimately won you over, even if it had a challenging start!

    1. Ethan, I agree, but I am glad I kept going.
