Sunday, September 1, 2024


Title: Thirsty: 12 Weeks of Drinking Deeply from God's Word

Author: Hannah C. Hall

Publisher: Revell

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help, devotional, Christian Living

Source: Own

My Review:

I bought Thirsty: 12 Weeks of Drinking Deeply from God's Word on a whim and I am so glad I did. I was unfamiliar with Hannah C. Hall's writing, as she had previously only written children's books.

While Thirsty is an easy read, it is also one where I learned a lot. I have been a Christian for many and have read broadly in nonfiction. I am always thrilled when a book brings fresh insights into things I have read or learned. That is what Thirsty did for me.

Thirsty is set up to be studied for twelve weeks. Each week has a new Bible verse focus, with five days of content, and two days to ponder what you have learned. You are encouraged to memorize the verses each week.

Overall, this is a great devotional for anyone who wants to grow in their walk with Christ.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

Lots of devotionals offer short readings for busy women. Rarely do they dive deep enough into God's Word to stick with you and make a real difference in your day, let alone your life.

Thirsty isn't like other devotionals. Rather than breeze past a snippet of Scripture and a loosely related anecdote each day, this unique devotional focuses your attention on one short passage of Scripture for an entire week, encouraging you to memorize, understand, and apply its truth to your life. After 12 weeks of these rich, deep dives into God's Word, you'll find your soul restored and your life changed.

If you long for a closer relationship with God despite your packed schedule, discover how you can drink deeply from the well of Scripture in just 20 minutes a day.


  1. What a great book! It's like slow reading a scripture each week. I think I would enjoy this one.

    1. Lark, it is and I really enjoyed starting my day with it.

  2. This sounds wonderful! I will be sure to look for it. Thanks for reviewing it Cindy.
