Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday-Online resources for book lovers

 Happy Tuesday, friends! The theme for today's top ten Tuesday is online resources for book lovers. I am pretty excited about today's topic so I can see if there are any great resources that I am missing out on!! I am not sure if I can come up with 10, but will list the ones I use. To find out what our other bookish friends are doing for Top Ten Tuesday check out That Artsy Reader Girl.

1. Goodreads

I am a book nerd through and through and I love to be organized. I love that I can add so many shelves to Goodreads keeping my books organized! I have added shelves to start organizing the books I have on my Kindle, books on my shelf etc..My only regret is that I did not start consistently using it until about 2ish years ago...I wish I had started sooner!

2. Hoopla

My library recently added Hoopla and I love it. I can check out 3 audio books for free for the month, and some months have bonus reads. When I first started listening to audio books 3 was it's not, especially if one is a dud! Which takes

3. Scribd

So, I tried several free audio book places and settled on Scribd as the best. You have unlimited access to audio books, podcasts, ebooks, magazines and so much more!! Plus, it has the widest variety of Christian fiction (my fav) than any other place. I think in general it has the widest variety and I love it!! If you want to try it for 2 months free you can check out my link here.

4. Bookbub

I get the daily email telling me of free and discounted books.

5. Avid Christian Fiction Readers on Facebook

This group has been amazing!! I have learned about SO many new authors, genres, books that are like/or similar to another is one of the best groups I am a part of.

6. Net Galley

This is great for those of us who love to read and review books. It is so fun to be able to read books before they are released.

7. Paperback Swap

I have not used this one yet...but I do have it bookmarked and it looks interesting!

8. Thriftbooks

Another one that I have not used yet (more because I forget about it!)...but worth passing on 😀

9. My library is another obvious one but I will add it too 😀 I can do stuff online (like request they purchase books), and read ebooks and stuff.

That is all I have. I am sure once I read the lists from others I will think of others that I have forgotten. What about you? What are your favorite online resources for book lovers??


  1. Replies
    1. I have only used it for a month, but I love it!!

  2. I love Paperbackswap! I hope you get to try it out soon. <3

    1. I need to, I think I have had it bookmarked for like 3 years. I just forget about it!!

  3. This is a great list! I've never heard of Paperbackswap or Thrift books, but I'll be sure to check them out! Thanks for sharing these.

    1. Awesome, glad to pass on useful information :) Happy reading!

  4. OOo, never heard of Hoopla! Must check that out, I'm guessing it's through your library?

  5. Someday I really should try Net Galley!

    1. Lydia, you really should, they have EVERYTHING on there!! As a book blogger you wouldn't have a hard time building your profile and getting books.

  6. A good list! I struggled to get 10 and just about made it 😂 I'm going to try Net Galley. I've signed up, but I need to do a profile or something 🤔

    1. Yes, the profile is not hard at all! Get the profile up and maybe start with the books that are "read now" to build up your reading ratio!

  7. I haven't used Scribd much, but I've heard lots of people love it!

    1. I hopped around doing free trials and seeing what others had to offer, I found it to be the best and offer the most, and it is cheaper than Audible and others!

  8. Paperback Swap sounds good! I do use ThriftBooks from time to time -- nice resource for used books!

    1. Yes, I love used books as much as I love new books!!

  9. I've just discovered Hoopla through my library as well. It works so good. Great list.

  10. I keep meaning to look into Netgalley, thank you for the reminder!

  11. Looks like there are hundreds of sites like this because we only have your first one in common. Great. So many more to look out for.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

    1. I agree. I literally made a list of the ones that interested me as I visited everyone's blogs :)

  12. I've been on Goodreads for years, but I didn't REALLY start using it regularly until a couple years ago, just like you. I wish I had grasped all it could do earlier. Still, it's a great site and one I use just about every day.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!

  13. Paperback Swap does sound interesting. I will have to check it out, thanks for introducing me!

    1. Glad you found something useful! Thanks for stopping by :)

  14. I wish my library would add Hoopla because I've been wanting to try it.

    1. Are you able to ask them to? I know some will and some won't.

  15. Paperback swap sounds like a good one. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you found something helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I've been meaning to start listening to audiobooks more, so I'll definitely check out Scribd. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier!

    1. I think if you get the right book and narrator that audiobooks are awesome!!

  17. I used paper back swap a looong time ago! I also used scribd for awhile and ended up canceling my subscription for now.

    1. I can understand that. I always have good intentions to use my subscriptions, but sometimes life gets in the way.

  18. I need to try Scribd. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.

  19. Thriftbooks is so good, you will love it

    1. Awesome, I need to set aside some time just to look and see what they have/prices etc. Thanks for the encouragement!

  20. I think I've read about the paperback swap but don't know much about it either. :) Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland last week! I really (really) appreciate that. :)
