Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Brides

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is bookish characters (these could be readers, writers, authors, librarians, professors, etc.). I read this wrong and thought it was any type of character in a book, so I decided to focus on brides. After rereading the topic and understanding it, I decided to stick with brides because the books I could think of that had bookish characters are all ones that I have talked about here, several times over. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten Books with Brides on them that I own:

Is anyone else a sucker with a book with a bride or wedding dress on it??? I LOVE them!!! Most of these were Kindle freebies at one time or another and First Bride to Fall is on loan from Net Galley. We won't talk about how many more books I could have added to this list 😂 
What is your favorite book with bride in the title or a bride on the cover??

What did you do for this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.  


  1. There you go! A list of great books about brides!

  2. What a wholesome misunderstanding! I love this post.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-characters/

  3. Lauren Layne has some wedding planner books with brides that I loved.

  4. Well, they all appear in books, so they are bookish characters, right? ;)
    I have always loved pictures of brides, so I really enjoyed this. Thanks.

    My TTT this week is all about readers.

    1. Marianne, absolutely, LOL! I really do love pictures of brides as well.

    2. Who doesn't? I always stay around when newlyweds leave the church or the registrar office. When we lived near Aachen, there would always be lots in May, every half hour more or less. And once, when we were in Israel, we were near a picturesque old church and lots and lots of bridal couples were there taking pictures. Our Israeli friends told us that it was a Tuesday and the word "good" turned up twice in the bible on a Tuesday, so it is an auspicious day for weddings.

  5. Wow. Bride covers. I didn't even know such a thing existed. I totally misread the prompt but I did make a fun-to-explore list. Check it out at Characters in Real Life

    1. Anne, obviously I need help, LOL. Looking forward to seeing your list.

  6. I love your take on the topic, even if it was a misunderstanding, it's still a great list :)

  7. I love that you did brides this week. it made for a fun change from everyone else's TTT. ;D

  8. This is a fun list! :) I like looking at all the dresses on the covers.

  9. I'm so glad you did Brides, these are such fun covers!!

    1. Thanks Wendy, it was hard to narrow it down to 10!

  10. I had to laugh with you here Cindy! Oh how easy miss interpretation can happen.... But I love a bride and still think of my own wedding day as the best day of my life. But I need to think if I've ever read a book with a bride on the cover. Hmmmm... Maybe I should browse a few of yours.

    Hope you are having a good week so far Cindy!

    Elza Reads

    1. Thanks, Elza, I appreciate laughing with me and not at me, LOL! I am having a busy/hectic week and not as much time for visiting other blogs as I would like. I do love wedding stories :)

  11. What a great twist Cindy. I thought the same thing, so you're not alone. One book I enjoyed with a wedding gown on the cover is The Wedding Dress Christmas by Rachel Hauck. I will have to check some of these books out.

    1. Carla, I enjoyed that one as well. I actually stuck with ones that I have not read yet :)

  12. I go “off topic” all the time with TTT. Having fun is a must! Great list too! I’ve loved all the Barbour bride books beginning with The Mayflower Bride.

    1. I try to stick with the TTT topic, when I can, but sometimes you just have to go your own way :) I agree, having fun is a must!

  13. Who knew there were so many books with brides!? Weddings give me anxiety, so I don't read about them too often.

    1. I just think the covers are gorgeous! This is just a small selection of what is out there, LOL.

  14. A very imaginative interpretation of this week's topic...

  15. So many lovely covers! I read one a couple of months ago that would fit this topic, The Wedding Veil by Kristy Woodson Harvey. The book is fantastic and its cover is stunning!

    1. I will have to look that one up, thanks for sharing, Suzanne :)

  16. We love a good bride on a pretty book cover! :)
