Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday- Book tubers

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Completed Series I Wish Had More Books. I enjoy reading series but can't think of one that I have ever wished had more books. So instead, I am going to list the book tubers I follow. With my vision still blurry from my eye procedure, I am not able to read/do anything that requires good focus, so I have been spending more time watching book tubers. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Top 3 (only) Book Tubers I follow:

Chantel Reads All Day: She is the first book tuber I have ever followed. I love watching her videos. I enjoy the sound of her voice, it is really calming (and hopefully I don't sound creepy saying that 😂) She reads a wide variety of books.



What Brings Carina Joy: I found Carina through Chantel and just recently started following her. She also reads a wide variety of genres. I knew I had to follow her when she had a huge library haul and she said something like "I basically go to the library to bring home books so I can spend time with them for a while." It cracked me up. She is recently on a kick of fantasy and science fiction, although she does discuss other stuff.

Oceana GottaReadEmAll: I ran across her this past weekend and enjoyed watching a few of her videos, looked around her site and decided to follow her. I have added to my TBR since watching a few of her videos 😉 Her tagline says "Christian Book Reviews, Clean Romance & Faith Videos." One of her most recent videos she discusses, Catherine Center, Charles Martin, Nicolas Sparks and a few more.

Do you watch book tubers? Who do you follow? I am looking for recommendations for more book tubers, especially ones who recommend cleaner reads.

What did you do for this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.  



  1. I hope your eyes continue to heal nicely!

    Listening to booktubers in the meantime seems like a great idea. :)

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-completed-series-i-wish-had-more-books/

  2. Great twist to the topic, especially in your condition. I am a very visual person but I like to do everything at my own pace, therefore I'm neither a fan of audiobooks nor of youtube and have never watched a booktuber. But if you recommend them, I'll have a look.

    Thanks for that and "Gute Besserung", as we say in German: Get well soon.

    My TTT this week.

    1. Thanks Marianne, I appreciate it :)

    2. But of course. I really hope you'll be "back to normal" soon. ♥

  3. I'm glad you can at least do something bookish while your eyes recover! I haven't gotten into BookTube at all. It's just not my thing, but I'm glad you enjoy it so much.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, it is only my thing when I have free time ;) And, I am doing that during the time I would normally be reading. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I like this topic. I don't follow any book tubers, thanks for the suggestions!

  5. I hope your eye is healing well!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2022/08/23/top-ten-tuesday-382/

    1. Thank you, it is, slower than I would like, but at least it is healing!

  6. Great topic--you should recommend it for a TTT topic. I'll check these out. I'm not big into book tube so maybe one of these will really hook me.

  7. Come to think of it... I've never watched a booktuber, so thanks for your list!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  8. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today. Hope your recovery is speedy.

  9. I have only recently begun watching booktube - I like to save them for when I am washing dishes 🙂. Some of my favorites are Mitzi Reads and Writes, Miriam Elizabeth Reads and Christian Faith and Fiction. I will check out the ones you listed. Thanks!

    1. And I will check out the ones you listed :) I think I have looked at Christian Faith and Fiction, or at least someone with a similar title...

  10. I hope your eyes heal soon. Glad you've found some Book tubers you enjoy.

  11. Oh, I love your choice of topic! I actually "discovered" the bookish online community through Booktube by way of Katytastic (who I actually discovered through a friend because Kat did writing & NaNoWriMo videos). I still watch her occasionally, but jessethereader is the only Booktuber I watch somewhat consistently. I've always thought about finding more, so I'll definitely have to check out the ones you mention here!

    1. I will look into the ones you mentioned, thanks!

  12. There are some great Booktubers out there! Nice to see some highlighted. :)

  13. Hope your recovery from the eye procedure is going well! I need to catch up with booktube again, so this is a lovely post and I need to check out these booktubers.

  14. I have 2 booktubers that I follow: Jack Edwards (Jack in the Books) who reads and discusses a wide array of genres and his comments are always very specific about what he liked or doesn't like - he has over a million followers, so he must be doing something right. The other I enjoy is Noelle Gallagher. I'll be sure and check out your suggestions as well. Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, thanks for the recommendations, I will look into them :)

  15. I have never seen a Book Tuber. I think I should try one of these. Thank you, Cindy!

    1. Deb, I wasn't sure I would enjoy watching people talk about books, but I do :)

  16. I used to follow booktube pretty regularly. Not a lot of channels, but a few. I even had one for a while, but it's so much work and I never managed to be interesting or creative enough to make a go of it. I appreciate those who put in the work and are creative enough to make a go of this. Good for them! :)

    1. Rissi, I TOTALLY agree! I am not a get in front of the camera and do anything, including just talk, so I do admire and appreciate the amount of effort that they put into their craft!
