Sunday, January 22, 2023

Dear Henry, Love Edith

Title: Dear Henry, Love Edith

Author: Becca Kinzer

Genre: Romcom, Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Source: Net Galley

My review:

I had no idea Dear Henry, Love Edith was Becca Kinzer's debut novel.

I found out when I finished the book and continued to read the back matter. (yes, the book was so good that I just kept reading 😂) It was mentioned in the "about the author" section.

Dear Henry, Love Edith has everything I love in a book: witty dialogue, quirky characters, small-town, letter communication, laugh-out-loud moments, depth, and vivid details.

It also had one of my biggest pet peeves: miscommunication! However, it was so well done that I enjoyed it. Yes, you read that right 😂.

This story is very much dialogue driven (which I personally love). I mention it here because I know others don't enjoy it as much.

The town was its own character. The way the town gossips would infer something and then run with it was hysterical. The epilogue at the end was epic. If there was every a story I was glad had one, it was this one. I really hope we see more of Henry and Edith...or some of the characters from the story. I have no idea if the author plans for this to be a series, but I certainly hope so. I want more. Regardless, I will be watching to see what she comes up with next.

One thing that made me love this book even more was when Ms. Kinzer mentioned in her note that several of Edith's experiences were inspired by true events (no more details as it would lead to spoilers). I thought it was very cool, and I am glad she shared that information.

I highly recommend Dear Henry, Love Edith to anyone who loves RomComs.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book. I was not required to provide a review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

After a short and difficult marriage, recently widowed Edith Sherman has learned her lesson. Forget love. Forget marriage. She plans to fill her thirties with adventure. As she awaits the final paperwork for a humanitarian trip to South Africa, she accepts a short-term nursing position in a small Midwestern town. The last thing she needs is a handsome local catching her eye. How inconvenient is that?

Henry Hobbes isn't exactly thrilled to have Edith, who he assumes is an elderly widow, dumped on him as a houseguest for the summer. But he'd do almost anything for his niece, who is practically like a sister to him given how close they are in age. Especially since Edith will be working nights and Henry works most days. When he and Edith keep missing each other in person, they begin exchanging notes--short messages at first, then longer letters, sharing increasingly personal parts of their lives.

By the time Henry realizes his mistake--that Edith is actually the brown-eyed beauty he keeps bumping into around town--their hearts are so intertwined he hopes they never unravel. But with her departure date rapidly approaching, and Henry's roots firmly planted at home, Edith must ultimately decide if the adventure of her dreams is the one right in front of her.


  1. I can't wait to read this one! Romances that make me laugh are the best. :D

  2. This one sounds like one I would love to read! Great review! Adding it to my TBR!

  3. This sounds great, and by a debut author too!

  4. So pleased to know this one is good! Really do want to read this one because it does indeed sound witty, and just charming which is a winning combination. :)

  5. Adding this one to my Goodreads wishlist! It sounds like a perfect springtime read :-)

  6. I want to read this book.
