Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Famous for a Living

Title: Famous for a Living

Author: Melissa Ferguson

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Christian Fiction,

Source: Library

My Review:

I have read all of Melissa Ferguson's books. My favorite book of hers is The Dating Charade. Famous for a Living was an okay read for me.

I am having a hard time reviewing this book. It's under the umbrella of Christian fiction, but it is really just a clean read. It also looks like a romantic comedy, but it's not. It is more women's fiction. It is very light on the romance, and light on the humor as well.

This was a quick read. It is light on the romance but heavy on character development, especially Cat's. Zaiah is an interesting character as well. One thing I really liked, was the Instagram posts at the beginning of each chapter. That was clever and unique. Overall, it was just an okay read. It did have any moments that will make me remember the book.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

From Park Avenue to the Parks Department—the world’s most beloved social media star is about to get a rude awakening.

With her millions of followers, Cat Cranwell is adored around the world. But when an app partnership goes very, very wrong, Cat suddenly finds herself shunned from the community that not only fed her soul all these years but paid her bills. When Cat’s closest living relative, Uncle Terry, offers her a position on his staff at a small national park in Montana to get away from the city, Cat hesitantly accepts the opportunity.

What she doesn’t realize is that as the new social media strategist her goal is to save Kannery National Park from being absorbed into Glacier National Park by boosting the number of visitors. And at least one of her new colleagues—namely, handsome and rugged ranger Zaiah Hudson—thinks social media is the root of everything that’s wrong with the world. Written with bestselling author Melissa Ferguson’s signature wit and charm, this romantic comedy of opposites attract is full of hilarious romp and a romance that will melt readers’ hearts.


  1. I would have put this one in the category of romantic comedy just from looking at the cover.

  2. The plot sounds fun, too bad it wasn't a memorable read for you!

  3. I like the sound of this one, so sorry to hear it was only an okay but not great read for you.

  4. I've heard similar things about Melissa's books, especially as regards her cover designs which tend more towards rom-com but her stories are less romance. I still hope to read one of hers and enjoy it! We'll see. :)

    1. Rissi, I would suggest The Dating Charade, it is by far my favorite of hers.
