Friday, October 6, 2023

First Line Friday #106-Star of Wonder

Happy Friday, my bookish friends! I hope you all have a great day and weekend! First Line Friday is hosted by Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower!!  I am also linking up with Gilion on Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. This is where you share the beginning of the book that you are reading. This week I am reading Star of Wonder by Angela Hunt. 

When we are children, the Christmas season is usually sprinkled with fairy dust and scented with cinnamon.

 Book Beginnings:

When we are children, the Christmas season is usually sprinkled with fairy dust and scented with cinnamon. We count the days and camp in front of the Christmas tree, anticipating the hour when we'll be allowed to open presents and see if our heartfel wishes have come true.

Synopsis (Goodreads): 

Come, Rediscover the Wonder and Reality of the Very First Christmas

We all love the Christmas season, but have we buried the truth of the day?

Bestselling author Angela Hunt weaves together visceral storytelling with overlooked biblical historical truths to help you rediscover the places, people, prophecies, and purpose of Christmas. Each of the engaging twenty-five devotions includes scriptural insights, historical facts, and personal application, which--along with weekly family activities--will have everyone saying, "I didn't know that!" as the Nativity comes to life anew.

Explore Bethlehem and Nazareth. Walk with Mary, Joseph, and others. Be amazed by the words of the prophets of old. And be warmed by God's great purpose that culminated in the birth of the Messiah.

Star of Wonder is perfect as an individual Advent devotional or for family and small group study. You will see Christmas with new eyes, create lasting holiday memories, and shine light on the wonder of that night so long ago.

Your turn! Grab the current book you are reading and post the first line (or your link) in the comments! Then, click on the icons below and join the fun there too!



  1. Advent devotional books like this always catch my eye, thanks for sharing about it! Last year I enjoyed Shadow & Light by Tsh Oxenreider, and they sound fairly similar. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. What a fun book to have and read right before Christmas! Now if it only came with 25 pieces of chocolate to go with it. ;D

  3. I was wondering if this was Christmas related! :)

    1. Lauren, yep. A little earlier than I would normally do Christmas books, but I signed up to be on a blog tour.

  4. This sounds like one my mother and mother-in-law would like. A Christmas present perhaps? Hmm. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Wendy, it would make a great Christmas present :)

  5. I've had my eye on this one ever since it was announced. I hope you have a great week, Cindy! :)
