Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Secondary Target

Title: Secondary Target

Series: The Secrets of Kincaid #1

Author: Angela Carlisle

Publisher: Bethany House

Genre: Christian Suspense, Christian Romance, Contemporary

Source: Bethany House

My Review:

Secondary Target is Angela Carlisle's debut novel. However, she writes like a seasoned writer. I was captivated by the first scene and had a hard time putting the book down to get anything else done.

"Was love, or even friendship, worth risking the very real possibility of heart-wrenching loss?"

The above quote is Corina's thoughts. It broke my heart that it was her outlook on life. She is a strong woman who had to grow up quickly after the death of her mother and brother. When tragedy struck a few years later, it sent her running. However, it was annoying that Corina was embarrassed by shows of emotion, and thinking she had to be strong in extreme circumstances. She was also quick to rush into danger without thought of the consequences.

We do get scenes from the stalker's perspective. It is always interesting when this happens. While I had hints as to who it was, I wasn't surprised when it was revealed and felt like I should have known. But, I didn't.

While Secondary Target is a second chance romance between Corina and Bryce, the romance part is a little lackluster. The friendship aspect was believable, but the romance lacked chemistry.

Overall, I was surprised by Secondary Target. It did not read like a debut novel, the story was well executed and I look forward to Allye's story next.

Thank you to Bethany House for the opportunity to read this book. I was not required to provide a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

After the brutal murder of her mother and brother twelve years ago, Corina Roberts built a new life in Kentucky. But then strange things begin to happen, and she is thrust into a perilous game of life and death. With nowhere else to turn, her best hope of survival depends on her ex, army veteran Bryce Jessup.

Recently returned from service, Bryce has every intention of staying away from Corina, but when threats close in around her, he isn't willing to leave her safety to chance. As their search for answers uncovers lethal secrets her detective father kept hidden, Bryce and Corina must untangle the mystery of the merciless killer intent on terrorizing and eliminating Corina's family before it's too late.

Debut author Angela Carlisle will leave you breathless with this bone-chilling story of a ruthless murderer, a deadly secret, and an unbreakable love.


  1. This looks like a really great read! I love when debut novels are really great like they've been writing for years. I feel that quote in every fiber of my being, I used to wonder that a lot because of a lot of hurt I've had in my life.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Ash, I could relate as well. Hurt understands hurt. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Glad you liked this one despite the lackluster romance.

  3. I'm looking forward to this one. So glad you enjoyed it. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ashley! I hope you enjoy it when you get an opportunity to read it!

  4. Glad you liked this one. Maybe the romance will pick up in the next book.

    1. It is a good possibility. Thanks for stopping by!
