Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Books With Single Word Titles

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic Throwback Freebie (Pick a TTT topic that has been previously done. Maybe you missed it, weren’t blogging then, or you’d like to update an old list you made.) I missed last week but not feeling that topic. I am going to go with topic #484-Books with single-word titles.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Top Ten Books I own to read with a single-word title:


  1. Freefall by Kristen Heitzmann
  2. Forevermore by Kathy Marie Hake
  3. Forgiven by Shelley Shepard Gray
  4. Heiress by Susan May Warren
  5. Convergence by Ginny Yttrup
  6. Aftermath by Terri Blackstock
  7. Jocelyn by Sarah Monzon
  8. Fallout by Carrie Stuart Parks
  9. Targeted by Lynette Eason
  10. Bookworm by Cookie O'Gorman

Have you read any of these? Which ones should I move up the TBR mountain?

What topic did you go with today? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. I haven't read any of these but I do like the sound of Bookworm. Also single word titles are so much easier to remember.

  2. Single word titles can sound so crisp and clean!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Love your choice for this week's TTT! I think my favorite has to be Forevermore followed closely by Fallout. :D

  4. I always love single-word titles. They're so concise and work well with the books usually. I haven't read any of these, but a lot of them sound interesting and fun. :)

    My TTT

  5. Aw fun! Jocelyn! That is one my niece's names and I don't hear it very often.

  6. Great list! I check out more Christian fiction than anything else in my library, and these authors are very popular with my patrons. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Stephanie, I love Christian fiction! That's awesome that so many patrons read them.

  7. Great topic. I haven't read any of these but they do look good.

  8. oh that's a cool idea, Cindy, books with a one word title. so creative and eye-catching for those of us who've gotten used to a whole lotta words everywhere.

  9. I haven't read any of these yet, but I like the sound of bookworm (for obvious reasons :) )

    1. Lindsey, yes, I think (and hope) it will be fun!

  10. Very belated visit back, sorry! Love the cover style of Jocelyn, wow.

    1. Nicky, thanks, I love the covers for all the books in the series :)

  11. These one word titles really linger in your brain...it's almost like they resonate like a gong.

    Sorry I'm running so late this week. I was delayed by a close encounter with Hurricane Beryl.

    1. Deb, no need to apologize at all, I seem to run late on the posts all the time these days. Thankfully my reasons were not encounters with a hurricane! Glad you are doing alright.

  12. This is such a fun topic! I've read several of these and enjoyed them a lot. :D

  13. I read Heiress years ago, and though I remember those novels as bittersweet (usually not a favorite), I think I was impressed by the series. I also had Freefall for a long time... but I'm not sure if it's still on my shelf or not! :) Thanks for visiting my list last week.

    1. Rissi, Freefall has been on my shelf for a looooooong time as well and I have thought about getting rid of it several times, but still plan to read it. I am not sure if Heiress will be for me either, which is why I haven't read it as well...

  14. I did a list of one word titles for TTT in the past and I was struck by how many books have one word titles that look like two word titles. I notice that on a few of your choices, too. Example FALL
    OUT :)

    1. Anne, right?! It's funny. One word titles are not the norm.
