Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Plotting Summer

Title: Plotting Summer

Series: Falling For Summer #3

Author: Jess Heileman

Narrator: Ellen Quay

Publisher: Audible Audio

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, RomCom, Fiction

Source: Hoopla

My Review:

 While I have wanted to try books by Jess Heileman, it wasn't until I started binge-reading the Falling for Summer series, that I finally read a book by her. I enjoyed Plotting Summer and look forward to reading more by her. As previously mentioned, I believe the series is best read in order, even though the books can technically stand alone. Ellen Quay did an excellent job of narrating the story.

Read for:

  • secrets
  • friends to more
  • secret crush
  • second chance
  • excellent chemistry
  • perfect pacing
  • witty banter
  • LOL moments
  • heartwarming moments
  • small island setting
  • interwoven characters among the stories
  • all the summer vibes
  • meddling family members
I adored this book. It was so much fun. I didn't think Capri needed to avoid the island or Tristan. Even after the reveal as to why, her reaction seemed over the top. Regardless, it was a great story.

Synopsis (Goodreads): 

The book is always better than the movie. But occasionally, life is better than the book.

Ten years ago I made a mortifying, life-altering mistake. Now, this once seemingly insignificant choice is threatening to wreck my entire existence. And possibly throw Tristan Palmer—my next-door-neighbor and the guy I’ve had a secret crush on for the entirety of my life—into the fray unaware.

The mistake?

I am Sunny Palmer. As in the anonymous, best-selling author of over a dozen beloved romances and renowned thief of Tristan’s last name. Okay, not renowned yet, thank the high heavens! But that news will spread like wildfire if people discover that this introverted book nerd is the woman behind the pen name. And the fact that my first book, Secret Crush, is Tristan’s and my fictionalized love story leaves zero room for calling it anything but what it is—a travesty of greatest proportions.

That’s why NO ONE can know! Ever!

So it’s wretched luck that when I finally visit Sunset Harbor, the small-town island where I grew up, I run into the still heart-stopping, book-boyfriend-worthy man himself. And shockingly, Tristan seems intent on reminding me what the island has to offer. Because that’s what friends do.

Logic demands I resist his charm and guard my secret at all costs, which is why it’s vastly unfortunate that Tristan Palmer was and always will be … my greatest weakness.


  1. Another one for my list! I wonder how many of these books I can squeeze in next month. Because they all sound so fun.

    1. Lark, I am flying through them! They are all so fun!
