Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Favorite books of 2022

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday is our favorite books from 2022. Not sure how I am supposed to narrow it down to 10, but will give it my best shot 😂 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Well, this should be easy since I marked 56 of the books I read this year as favorites 😂😂 Here are my top 10ish (in no particular order):

While I had several favorites by the same author I did not pick more than one book from any given author, helping me to narrow it down a little bit. I highly recommend all these books & authors! 

Top 5 authors I read the most books from in 2022 (out of 212 books): 

  1. Jen Turano with 13 books!!
  2. Emma St. Clair with 6 books
  3. Pepper Basham with 5 books
  4. Karen Witemeyer with 4 books
  5. Susan May Warren with 4 books
And I will happily read even more books by all 5 of these authors!!!

What did you do for this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.  


  1. Happy New Year! What a lovely Top 10 -- and how gorgeous is the cover for In Search of a Prince!

    1. Hi Verushka, happy new year! The cover and story were both wonderful, as was the second book!

  2. Replies
    1. Sarita, I listened to them on audio, it was fabulous being able to work and laugh at the same time!

  3. I don't think there is a single author on my list of whom I've read more than two books last year but I rarely read series. Still, it was lovely to read your list.

    My Statistics are here.

    1. Thanks Marianne, I didn't have a lot of authors that I read a lot from, but I do hope to binge more authors this year. I have so many that I want to catch up on!

    2. Don't we all? So many books, so little time ...

  4. You have some great books listed here!

  5. Your books have such lovely covers. I love the one with the piano surrounded by greenery. I'm glad you read so many great books.

    1. Thanks Kami, I am too, LOL! I think part of it is being super selective in what I pick up, and knowing what I will and won't like.

  6. Happy New Year Cindy! It's the second time today I see The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip. I've just added it to my TBR, perhaps it will make my favorite list for 2023!

    Elza Reads

    1. Yay! I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it!

  7. I think I say this every time you mention Turano on your blog, but I REALLY need to read her already. Her books look so cute and fun!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, yes, yes you do!! They have SUCH great humor!

  8. My top author in 2022 was CJ Box. I started the Joe Pickett novels and kept picking up the next one.

    Here is my TTT: https://nashvillebookworm.wordpress.com/2023/01/03/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-books-of-2022/

    1. Michael, I love when you can do that with an author!

  9. I've not heard of any of these books. Gulp. Am I living with my head in a hole? Enjoy your 2023 choices!

    My 2022 Favorites

    1. Anne, of course you are not. All of these (except Emma St. Clair) are Christian Fiction, they are not always as widely known.

  10. What a great list of books! I'm trying to get caught up on all of Jen Turano's books. They're so good and funny. I'm also hoping to read more of Emma St. Clair's books this year. I've LOVED everything I've read of hers. :)

    1. Ashley, I still haven't caught up with Jen Turano's books (I made myself switch to listening to other others, LOL), and she is coming out with a new one soon! I have also loved Emma's books!!

  11. oooo so many of these are on my faves list too! Song of Silence is one of my FAVE Cynthia Ruchti books. I read it when it released and I'm STILL thinking about it.

    1. Carrie, I found several of hers in used bookstores recently, so I am looking forward to reading more of her! I LOVED Song of Silence, it was simply fabulous!

  12. Happy New Year! Emma St. Clair is an author I've been wanting to try, glad to see her on your list :)

    1. Lindsey, if you enjoy romantic comedies you can't go wrong with Emma St. Clair!

  13. I haven't read any of these, but each book on your list definitely draws me. They all have such lovely covers. I especially like THE SECRETS OF PAPER AND INK. I'm glad you loved these so much!

    My TTT

    1. Thanks Jenni! The Secrets of Paper and Ink was so good I had to buy a physical copy after I had read it, that is rare!

  14. What an awesome reading year for you, with 56 favorites! Authentically Izzy is on my TBR. Looking forward to it 🙂.

    1. Lucy, I hope you love it! I would love to hear your thoughts after you read it!

  15. Three of these books are high on my TBR list to read this year: Storing Up Trouble, Hope of Azure Springs, and Authentically Izzy. I'm glad they made your list of favorites. :D

    1. Lark, yay! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on them!!

  16. Such a great list, Cindy! It is so hard to narrow it down. Most of these are on my TBR. I need to get to Song of Silence. I read a couple of others by Cynthia Ruchti and loved them.

    1. Thanks Gretchen. It is hard to narrow them down!

  17. There were so many great books in 2022, it was very hard for me to narrow it down too! Nice choices!

  18. So many lovely covers! I'm glad you had such a wonderful year of reading, and I hope that 2023 is one as well.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  19. I love these lists. So many great sounding books to add to my wish list--or perhaps motivate me to read a book that's been lingering on my shelf too long. I see several here I would like to read! Thank you for sharing!

  20. Authentically Izzy is my favorite book ever by Pepper. I love it so much!!!
    And I just need to check out Emma’s books. I see her name everywhere.

    1. Well I’m not intending to be anonymous hehe.

    2. Jessica, yes, they are BOTH fabulous writers! I don't do very many pre-buys (can't afford to) but I will with both of them!!

  21. A great list! I added Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs Kip to my list and look forward to reading it soon. Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  22. I've not read any of these, but glad to see you enjoyed them!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/03/top-ten-tuesday-401/

  23. What a great selection of books. I have not read a lot of books by one author, but I think I will start doing that soon. Up to this point, I've mostly been exploring different authors. :-)

  24. I started one of Rachel's years ago and liked it. I also liked Nicole Deese's. Definitely enough to want to read more by her! Maybe a 2023 happening. ;)

  25. Authentically, Izzy is one of those books that looks so good to me!

    1. Deb, maybe you will get an opportunity to read it?!

  26. Wow! I can't believe you've read that many Jen Turano books! I really love the look of The Hope of Azure Springs and The Songs that Could Have Been.

    1. Amy, I couldn't either, LOL, but her books are really good and entertaining!

  27. These are awesome books! I've read a few and several are in my tbr list. So many great books!

  28. Happy 2023! I'm glad last year was a successful reading year for you.

  29. Oh I loved The Secrets of Paper and Ink, too! And I just finished the Culper Ring series. I think I'd read all Roseanna's other historical fiction except those.

    1. Gretchen, The Culper Ring series is the only one I have read (so far) of Roseanna's! Yes, The Secrets of Paper and Ink was fabulous and I want to own it so I can highlight in it, LOL!
