Monday, January 2, 2023

Book Challenges for 2023

So, I said I would not be doing any book challenges after over committing in 2022, but then I came across one I HAD to do...and then another...and then yeah, LOL, I will be doing a few reading challenges. First, I will be finishing Literary Escapes with the 9 states I did not finish in 2022:

Illinois    Massachusetts    Mississippi   Nebraska    Nevada    Rhode Island    Vermont   Virginia   West Virginia

The first challenge I decided to do was Chantel's Read Your Bookshelf challenge. I did it in 2022, but she is doing it again in 2023 with different prompts, and it's a bit more challenging and fun.

 Then the next challenge I decided to do was Oceana's Christian Romance Reading Challenge 2023. Both of these ladies are booktubers that I follow. Oceana's prompts are:


I love reading Bloggin' 'bout Books (Susan's blog) and when I saw she was doing a challenge on BOOKISH BOOKS, yeah, I was pretty much there 😂 It is very low pressure, you pick your level. I have a few bookish books on my TBR that I want to get to this year, so this will help me be intentional with that goal. I am going for the lowest level:

Toe in the door: 1-10 books

Finally, I saw this one going around on Instagram. It's the backlist challenge to read 23 books in 2023. Since I was already planning to unofficially work on my backlog, I decided I could commit to 23 books. 

These are the 23 I committed to:

  1. Dogwood 
  2. Echoes Among the Stones 
  3. Miles From Nowhere 
  4. Echoes of Titanic 
  5. Buried 
  6. The Cartographer's Secret 
  7. Land of Silence 
  8. The Woman in the Green Dress 
  9. Tending Roses 
  10. An Unlikely Amish Match 
  11. Opening His Holiday Heart 
  12. Dear Mr. Knightly 
  13. A Hope Undaunted 
  14. Smitten Book Club 
  15. Beyond All Dreams 
  16. Love Under Construction 
  17. Growing Strong
  18. More Than A Mom 
  19. Coming of Winter 
  20. Seconds to Live 
  21. The Lady and the Lionheart 
  22. Shadows of the Past 
  23. All my Belongs

Are you joining in the challenge?! Do we have any books in common? I know I am not the only one who has bookshelves full of books that I need to read 😂 

What challenges have you decided to do this year? 


  1. It is so tempting to join all the challenges! I am only doing two this year - Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks and Crusin' Thru the Cozies. It looks like you picked some fun ones. Enjoy!

    1. Gretchen, it is but I did scale waaaaay back. And, I intentionally did not do any of the "big" ones, like any of the 50 ones, LOL!

  2. I haven't quite finished deciding what challenges to join. I know you're going to do great with these challenges, Cindy

  3. Fun! There are SO many challenges. I wish I could do them all.

    1. Me too, Kami, but I think it would kill our enjoyment of reading!

  4. I told myself I would only do one challenge this year too and then signed up for several. Oh well. It's an excuse to read, right? Good luck on all your challenges! I'm doing the Bookish Books Reading Challenge too. :-)

  5. What great challenges! I hope you have fun with them this year, happy reading!

  6. I haven't done an challenge but trying to get to 100 books last year. We will be back home next week and then I will see if I will do any challenges for the new year...

    Good luck with all of these!

  7. I signed up for Bookish Books but no other, except for the Goodreads Reading challenge. Good luck with it.
