Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Born of Gilded Mountains

Title: Born of Gilded Mountains

Author: Amanda Dykes

Publisher: Bethany House

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure,

Source: Bethany House

My Review:

Born of Gilded Mountains by Amanda Dykes is one of those books that is hard to review. It is a book that is best to experience. With that in mind, I will review it but know that my review will not do the story justice.

I was lost at the beginning of the story. I couldn't understand the point of what was being shared, nor could I see how it would connect to the broader storyline. Having read several other books by this author, I knew it would come together, so I kept reading. I think a great synopsis of this book would be "what once was lost is now found."  Because once I made the connections, I was immersed in a beautiful story, rich in details, with a depth as deep as the mountains are wide. I was no longer lost, I was captivated and changed.

This is a beautiful story of loss, grief, friendship, betrayal, hope, love, faith, and so much more. I can't even imagine the depth of research or the amount of time that went into making this such a rich story. The characters felt real, and it was like I was in the story with them, feeling what they felt, and what a roller coaster of emotions the story will lead you through. 

Once I was further in the story, I went back and read the beginning over, and it made perfect sense. So, if you start the story and feel a little lost, persevere, you will be glad you did. The only criticism I have is that I would have liked to see a bit more from the ending. I can't say more than that because I don't want to spoil anything, but after getting there, I needed a bit more.

Thank you to Bethany House for the opportunity to read this book. I was not required to provide a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

When newcomer Mercy Windsor arrives in Mercy Peak in 1948 after a scandal shatters her gilded world as Hollywood's beloved leading lady, she is determined to forge a new life in obscurity in this time-forgotten Colorado haven. She purchases Wildwood--an abandoned estate with a haunting history--and begins to restore it to its former glory.

But as she does, her every move tugs at the threads of that mountain's lore, unearthing what became of her long-lost pen pal, Rusty Bright, and the whereabouts of the infamous Galloping Goose Engine No. 8, which vanished years ago, along with the mailbag it carried, whose contents could change the course of countless lives. Not to mention another fabled treasure that--if found--could right so many wrongs.

Among the towering mountains that stand as silent witnesses, the ghosts of the past entangle with the courage of the present to find a place where healing, friendship, and hope can abide amid a world forever changed.


  1. I find some books really hard to review, too. That's when I usually cop out and do one of my short book recommendations. ;D I don't think I've ever read any books by this author before. This one sounds really good.

    1. Lark, her books are usually pretty deep, and I think mostly historical fiction. I have enjoyed the books I have read by her.
