Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Love Unexpected

 Title: Love Unexpected

Author: Jody Hedlund

Narrator: Becky Doughty 

Publisher: Bethany House

Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Christian Fiction

Source: Library

My Review:

I started out listening to the audiobook. I got halfway through it and had to switch to the book. 

Can't Wait Wednesday-Song of Silence

 Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Typically they are books that have not been released yet. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This week I am showcasing a book that has been out since 2016, but I didn't know it existed until this week. That counts, right? I can't wait to read it and don't know when/if I will be able to get a copy of it. The book is called Song of Silence and it is written by Cynthia Ruchti. I have only read one of her other works, but I LOVED it and found it deeply moving, which is why I can't wait to read this one.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Mistletoe Countess

Title: The Mistletoe Countess

Author: Pepper Basham

Publisher: Barbour

Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Christmas

Source: Net Galley

My review:

I absolutely adore Pepper Basham's writing. I do not know if all her books have literary references and bookish quotes, but the ones that I have read, do, and I LOVE it!!

Top Ten Tuesday-Summer Goals updated

An Unlikely Pair (Dream's Edge, #1)


Happy Tuesday, friends! Today I am excited to be doing another link-up with top ten Tuesday. Today the topic is fictional crushes. Since that is not my jam I am going to do an update of my summer reads. While summer is not *technically* over, for me it is. My daughter went back to school over the weekend and we started school here yesterday (I homeschool), so, our summer is over 😭 I have listed all the books I had hoped to read this summer and have updated them with my rating of the ones I finished. For more fun with fictional crushes or other people's take on today's topic check out That Artsy Reader Girl.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Love and the Silver Lining

 Title: Love and the Silver Lining

Series: State of Grace #2

Author: Tammy L. Gray

Publisher: Bethany House

Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary, Romance

Source: Borrowed from Library

My Review:

Darcy's dream of being a missionary is utterly shattered, leaving her devastated.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

MIA-reading interrupted

 You might (or might not have) noticed that I have been missing in action since Wednesday. When I started this blog I was determined to post regularly and I have been until Wednesday. While I love reading and blogging and don't like having things interrupt my reading, I was fully present as I helped pack up my daughter and move her back to college in Ohio, for her second year of college. I had some time to read (not a lot), but I was mostly focused on helping her and enjoying the time with her. I also enjoyed helping her pick some books to take with her 😀 as she is also an avid reader...I might even have bought her a new book before I left her 😂😂

While I would love to jump right back in and write the book reviews for the three books that I have finished and tell you about the current one I am reading, today I am resting. I am exhausted and I start back Homeschooling my son, who is in 11th grade this year, and I just need today to rest. I am going to spend most of the afternoon reading, which sounds deliciously delightful, doesn't it? Over the next few days, I will get into the swing of things and look forward to posting regularly again. If you are the praying sort, will you say a few prayers for my family, and especially my daughter? These transitions are hard and getting back into the normal routines is also difficult. We are a very close family and my daughter was already having some emotional issues yesterday afternoon. Thanks so much, my lovely bookish friends. 

My two loves!!!!
My daughter and her roommate 😀 They were roommates last year and have a great friendship, so thankful and blessed!
Book mail that was waiting for me when I got home!!! My favorite kind of mail... I won the top three books this past month and the bottom one is for a review...

What have you been up to over the last few days? What are you reading?? What books have you added to your stacks?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Can't Wait Wednesday-The Memory Quilt

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Typically they are books that have not been released yet. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This week I am showcasing The Memory Quilt by Lenora Worth. It's expected to release November 30, 2021. It is the first book in her newest series, Shadow Lake. It does not sound like your "typical" Amish read and I look forward to this unique story line!