Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Ten Random Things About Me

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Non-book Freebie (choose your own topic that’s not related to books! This could be hobbies, TV shows/movies, bands/singers, food items/recipes, top ten things about you, your top ten favorite things, places you’ve visited, favorite fashion designers, etc. Take this time to let your readers get to know you a little!) Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

This topic is pretty hard because I don't know what to share!! I am going to go with Ten Things about me (you may or may not know):

  1. I have lived on four continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, and America.
  2. I have had over 9 surgeries, but no broken bones.
  3. I love playing card games and board games.
  4. My favorite exercise is walking/hiking.
  5. I learned to swim when I was 32.
  6. I learned to crochet when I was 44. 
  7. I have 2 sisters, a brother, a half-sister and a half-brother. My half-brother is 2 years younger than my son 😲.
  8. My husband and I will celebrate 24 years of marriage in a few weeks.
  9. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Early Child and Family Development, with B-K teaching license and a Masters in Religious Education.
  10. I am an introvert that laughs at inappropriate times, especially if I am nervous. I also have a 5th grade boys sense of humor!

Did you learn anything new about me? What else would you like to know? What did you do this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below. 


  1. I, too, love goofy kid humor, Cindy!

    I think it's very cool that you have lived on four continents and that you've had nine surgeries but no broken bones.

  2. I’m planning to learn how to crochet this year. Just need to find time to buy the right supplies for it. :)

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-my-favourite-things/

    1. Thanks Lydia. It is so much fun and relaxing!

  3. I love learning more about you. Regine

  4. #6 gives me hope. I'm 48 and am thinking about learning how to crochet. LOL Also, happy early anniversary. 24 years is quite an accomplishment!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Aymee, It gives me hope too, that I can learn other things that I previously thought were too hard!

  5. How does one determine what age range their sense of humor is? I used to love America's Funniest Video and my kids told me it is because I have the same sense of humor as a 4th grade boy. HA!

  6. I enjoy taking walks and hikes as well.

    1. I am ready for the weather to warm up so I can get regular with them again.

  7. Four continents? That's amazing!

    I say I have a 12-year-old boy's sense of humor. I also giggle when I'm nervous or uncomfortable, which means that I frequently appear to be laughing at inappropriate times. Ah well.

    I have taken swimming lessons a few times as an adult but I just can't get the hang of treading water, which seems rather important. That means I get panicky if I'm in water over my head. I would like to learn but I'll be 45 soon and just don't see it happening.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jen, I will also be 45 soon, and I think you could do it!!!

  8. Fun post! I'd love to learn how to crochet. Happy anniversary!

  9. Look how many people want to learn to crochet! I just started in January and watched some videos, bought some inexpensive hooks and some sale yarn and I've been busy ever since (I'm 70!). I continue to love to learn new things. Living on 4 continents is rare I think - and exciting. I've lived on 2....America and Asia, though I had to ask Google what continent Turkey is on.....technically it appears to be part Europe, part Asia but I don't know how that works! :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, we are never too old to learn something new. Yes, I LOVE crocheting. Sometimes I will listen to audiobooks while crocheting, that is the best, LOL! I have been to Turkey, but not lived there. I think it would be difficult to live there, the people were not friendly to my group when we were there.

  10. I love playing cards and board games, too! And walking/hiking is also my preferred form of exercise. It's so fun to know more about you, and find more ways that we're alike. And that's so cool that you've lived on 4 continents! What was your favorite place?

    1. Lark, Singapore was my favorite place to live by far! (even though it was HOT all the time ;)).

  11. Deep down, I think we all have 12-year-old boy humor. LOL

    Can you teach me the ways of crochet? I've tried, but my fingers just do not want to work that way!

    What's your favorite board game? Card game?

    1. Lisa, LOL, maybe we do!! I will pop over and share the link on your page of what was most helpful for me to learn to crochet. We love playing Trekking the World, Catan, Ticket to Ride, Clue and many other board games. Some of our favorite card games are Nertz, Spades, Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza (it is hilarious with a group!).

  12. Happy anniversary, 24 years of marriage is great! I also love a card game, my friends and I play cards quite a lot and it gets quite competitive ha ha. I've only lived on two continents, Europe and Africa (and it wasn't a super long stay in Africa, I was there for a few months rather than years or anything, but it definitely counts as living in another country!).

    1. I commented back but my response will show up in spam, eventually. What part of Africa did you live in?

  13. Happy anniversary! I also have a very immature sense of humor. Me and my 4-year-old find the same stuff funny.

  14. Wow -- four continents is impressive! I love card and board games, too. I'm an introvert, also, and my problem is tears. I can not control them when I'm upset about anything, even slightly. It's totally humiliating! Early congrats on your wedding anniversary! We will celebrate 22 this year, which just seems impossible to me.

    1. Gypsi, I can control the tears more now than I used to...I also get tears when I am angry. Yeah, it does not feel like 24 years (which is a good thing, LOL).

  15. Four continents! I am SO jealous! I am definitely an extrovert, but I also laugh at inappropriate times and humor is my defense mechanism.

    1. Sarah, I also use humor as a defense mechanism.

  16. Great to get to know you more, Cindy!! YAY for games, and cool you've lived in some cool places. Now I just need to learn to like taking walks. ;)
