Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ready to Fumble

Title: Ready to Fumble

Series: The Worst Detective Ever Mystery Series #1

Author: Christy Barritt

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing

Genre: Cozy-Mystery, Romance, Contemporary, Christian Fiction

Source: Kindle Own

My Review:

I love the cover of Ready to Fumble by Christy Barritt. I didn't quite find the story to be as light-hearted as the cover made it appear.

I have mixed feelings about the book. It was a quick read. But, it left threads hanging for the next book in the series. There is almost a love triangle feel, but nothing is settled there either.

I liked Joey but found her hard to connect to. At times, she got on my nerves. I never trusted Zane (just a feeling), and I liked Jackson. I don't feel like it was clear who the murderer was, and I didn't see it once it was revealed.

I am not a huge cozy mystery reader, and the more I read, the more I think I should just leave them be.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

I'm not really a private detective. I just play one on TV.

Joey Darling, better known to the world as Raven Remington, detective extraordinaire, is trying to separate herself from her invincible alter ego. She played the spunky character for five years on the hit TV show Relentless , which catapulted her to fame and into the role of Hollywood’s sweetheart.

When her marriage falls apart, her finances dwindle to nothing, and her father disappears, Joey finds herself on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, trying to piece her life back together away from the limelight. A woman finds Raven—er, Joey—and insists on hiring her fictional counterpart to find a missing boyfriend. When someone begins staging crime scenes to match an episode of Relentless , Joey has no choice but to get involved.

Joey’s bumbling sleuthing abilities have her butting heads with Detective Jackson Sullivan and kindling sparks with thrill-seeking neighbor Zane Oakley. Can Joey channel her inner Raven and unearth whodunit before she ends up totally done in? And where is her father anyway? Can she handle fame or is disappearing into obscurity the wiser option?

Get Ready To Fumble your way through this enchanting new series.


  1. Some cozy mysteries are better than others, but it's not my favorite genre either. I do like them once in awhile. I do think Barritt's series title The Worst Detective Ever is pretty funny, but I haven't read any of these books.

  2. The email didn’t come through. Can you send it again. Thanks. Regine

  3. I love a good cozy but most are so silly that I can't take them seriously. I like the Mercy Watts series a lot. But there have been some cute stand-alones I have read over the years.

    1. Sarah, I agree! I haven't heard of the Mercy Watts series, but will look into it.
