Friday, December 8, 2023

First Line Friday #113-An Amish Christmas at the Apple Blossom Inn

 Happy Friday, my bookish friends! I hope you all have a great day and weekend! First Line Friday is hosted by Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower!!  I am also linking up with Gilion on Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. This is where you share the beginning of the book that you are reading. This week I am reading An Amish Christmas at the Apple Blossom Inn by Debra Torres and Tracy Fredrychowski.

Ice pellets bounced off Amanda Beiler's heavy brown bonnet.

Book Beginnings:

Ice pellets bounced off Amanda Beiler's heavy brown bonnet. She pulled two of her younger schwesters in closer, burying their faces in her middle. Her other five schwesters flanked her on either side, all staring aimlessly at the pine box being lowered into the cold November ground.

Her Amish community's slow and steady voices echoed off the leafless trees while they sang the last hymn. A heaviness charged Amanda's chest as Bishop Weaver closed in prayer and her neighbors lined up one by one to shovel dirt into the hand-dug grave. The last three days had been a blur while she struggled to understand Gott's will.

Synopsis (Goodreads):  

Two sisters. Two stories. One great Amish Christmas read.

Orphaned just weeks before Christmas, the Beiler sisters suddenly discover they could lose their home and what’s worse—each other. To make ends meet, sisters Sadie and Katie are plunged into working at the Willow Spring’s Apple Blossom Inn.

But will their efforts be enough?

Sadie - Struggling with pride, Sadie yearns to bake scrumptious treats in the inn’s kitchen instead of cleaning floors and toilets. But when she makes the mistake of her life, can Sadie and the inn’s handsome maintenance worker Jubal King create a plan to help save her family and maybe even the Apple Blossom Inn?

Katie - On the cusp of a family tragedy, Katie must put her trust in the Lord and step into a mostly English world. When Jeremiah Hershberger returns to Willow Springs looking for answers, Katie sets out on a journey to help him discover secrets of his past.

Can these young women find a way to bring the joy of Christmas back to their family and to Willow Springs?

Your turn! Grab the current book you are reading and post the first line (or your link) in the comments! Then, click on the icons below and join the fun there too!



  1. Replies
    1. Stephanie, I am thinking it will be a heavier read than I am wanting.

  2. The start of this one really sets the scene! Hope you enjoy!

  3. Do they define schwesters? That's an odd word.

    1. Anne, it means sisters in Pennsylvania Dutch. I've read enough Amish books to pick up on it, but there is a glossary in the book as well.

  4. What a sad beginning! But certainly well-written. Hope they each get a happy ending.

    1. Lark, yes, much sadder than I was anticipating!

  5. That beginning really pulls you right into the story. Sounds like a good one.

  6. I need to read more Amish fiction. This one sounds good. Hope you have a great weekend! :)
