Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Reasons I have DNF'd books

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Petty Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book (Or reduced its rating. You don’t even have to say what the book was if you don’t want to!) I have only started DNFing books in the last few years. It is still hard for me to quit a book, but I will give some reasons that I will DNF a book.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Top Ten (Petty) Reasons for me to DNF a book:

  1. excessive cursing
  2. descriptive scenes of abuse
  3. nothing seems to be happening
  4. too much immaturity in adults
  5. books that are supposed to be funny, but aren't
  6. gruesome descriptions
  7. if it makes me uncomfortable
  8. too heavy of a subject matter
  9. the story is not drawing me in
  10. too many descriptions

I looked back over the books that I have DNFed and these are common themes for me.

What did you do for today's topic? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. I definitely DNF books when adults don't act like adults. I can get past a teenager doing immature things and not making sense every now and then, but when an adult does it? It can get on my nerves, especially if I know the character is close to my age and doesn't make decisions people my age would!

    aimee @ aimee can read

  2. I can’t do descriptive scenes of abuse either.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  3. If it is too heavy. I don’t finish.

    1. Regine, sometimes I will, it just really depends on what the heaviness is.

  4. If nothing is happening, I get bored pretty quickly. I've DNFed a lot of books because nothing was happening.

    1. Aj, right? It's like get to the point already!

  5. I have a hard time DNFing books, but if I suspect that it's going to have too many dense descriptions or not much happening, I definitely won't pick it up.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Nicole, I used to always finish books, but then I noticed if I forced myself to finish something it would put me in a book slump. Not worth it.

  6. I agree with the excessive cursing thing

    1. Felice, I know it doesn't bother some people, and that's fine, but for me it is triggering. Plus, I don't want all that in my head.

  7. Love your list, Cindy. I once read an autobiography and the level of cursing was so distracting. If I had been prepared, fine, but this was unexpected. There are days that I can't read heavy material either. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

    1. Cheryl, the world is heavy enough we don't need all that in our books. Have a good week!

  8. These are all valid reasons to DNF a book. I get so annoyed with immature adults, and especially the ones where they won't just communicate with each other!

    1. Haze, yes!! Miscommunication and not talking drive me crazy!

  9. I agree on all of these. The immature adults are especially annoying. I mean, obviously, not all adults act like adults, but still, when they're over-the-top petty or silly or stupid, it definitely bugs.

    Happy TTT!

  10. Great list! I agree with #1 and #4. Too much profanity is unnecessary, and immature characters are super annoying.

  11. I should have added some things about characters that annoy me to my list. I feel like immature adults would be one. I mean, once in a while, if they have a moment or something of being immature, that's fine, but for me, it can't be a recurring theme (keep making the same choices), ya know?! :) Thanks so much for visiting my list on this week!
