Monday, May 20, 2024

Engaging the Earl

Title: Engaging the Earl

Author: Mandy Goff

Publisher: Love Inspired Historical

Genre: Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Romance

Source: Library

My Review:

Technically, this is the second in the series. The first book is The Blackmailed Bride, and follows Marcus's sister, Olivia. I loved that book, so I picked this one up to read. 

I have to say I was a little underwhelmed by Engaging the Earl. I was expecting the same humor as the first book, and I was also expecting more from Marcus. There was a lot of push and pull, and I wasn't overly fond of Emma. 

The story started strong, the middle was meh, and the ongoing drama/conflict toward the end that could have been resolved with an honest conversation, got on my last nerve as it dragged on too long.

Overall, just an okay read.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

To help her destitute parents, Emma Mercer must marry very well. And very soon. Love is irrelevant. Only security matters…doesn't it? Aided by her friend Olivia—and Olivia's brother Marcus, Earl of Westin—Emma quickly gains society's notice. But Marcus himself, the only man whose company Emma truly enjoys, seems oblivious to her charms.With his finances in jeopardy, Marcus knows he can't be the wealthy groom Emma needs. Instead, he'll see her properly engaged to the right man…and break his own heart.

Yet Emma's determination and Marcus's resolve may be no match for love, faith—and a scheming sister determined to end Emma's husband hunt right at Marcus's side.