Thursday, May 30, 2024

Miss Match

Title: Miss Match

Series: Lauren Holbrook #1

Author: Erynn Mangum

Publisher: Think

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Christian Fiction,

Source: Own

My Review:

Miss Match is the first book I have read by Erynn Mangum, but it will not be my last (in fact, I am currently reading the second in the series 😂).

Miss Match was SO much fun. I laughed so much and did not want to put it down. I loved Lauren, she is hilariously awkward, but so adorable. Her caffeine addiction was out of this world.

⛾ coffee

⛾ the Single's Bible Study

⛾ brownies

⛾ witty banter

⛾ matchmaker

⛾ wonderful friendships

⛾ sweet faith

⛾ have chocolate handy

I will say I have seen many reviews knocking the faith content, but I found it realistic. Lauren is learning and mulling over scripture, she doesn't have it all together. Truly loved this one!


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

Lauren Holbrook has found her life's calling: matchmaking for the romantically challenged. And with the eclectic cast of characters in her world, there's tons of potential to play "connect the friends."

Lauren sets out to introduce Nick, her carefree singles' pastor, to Ruby, her neurotic coworker who plans every second of every day. What could possibly go wrong? Just about everything.


  1. I love a book that makes you laugh!

  2. Miss Match sounds like such a fun read! Lauren's character seems both hilarious and relatable, especially with her caffeine addiction and awkward charm. I love books with witty banter and strong friendships, and the faith element sounds thoughtfully done.

  3. I love an imperfect MC. This sounds like a fun read. :)

    1. Meezan, I am enjoying the whole series, it is so much fun!!
