Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Bookish Confessions

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Bookish Brags (or Confessions!) (what are you proud of or… not-so proud of in your bookish life?) (submitted by Lydia @ https://lydiaschoch.com) I am not much for bragging, and can't think of any bookish things to brag about, so I am going to go with confessions...should be easy enough, right? Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.  

Top Ten Tuesday 10 Bookish Confessions (don't judge, LOL):

  1. as of today, 10/8/24-I have 201 unread fiction books on my physical shelves - I have been actively trying to read from my shelves, but still have quite a ways to go
  2. I have 440 unread fiction books on my Kindle shelves
  3. I have 34 unread nonfiction books on my physical shelves-this number is actually higher because I still haven't found the time to figure out which commentaries I have not actually read and put them on my list
  4. I have 19 unread nonfiction books on my Kindle shelves
  5. I have 739 books on my Goodreads TBR (which does not include the books listed in the four points above this one 🤦 (1,433 total books to read)
  6. I no longer enter every giveaway I see (yes, I used to do this if it was in my preferred genres), now I only enter the ones I know I will like (I have almost given up on Goodreads Giveaways, even with preferred books because I have never won one)
  7. I no longer download all the free books I come across because I typically prefer a physical book over the Kindle (all though I go through season where I really enjoy the Kindle as well, I know, it's weird)
  8. I love Instagram and seeing all the bookish content, but I do not like reels. (don't hate, some I think are plain silly, and typically I don't have the time to watch them) I would prefer just to see pictures because it is faster to scroll through
  9. I go through phases where I don't want any new books (shocker, I know)
  10. I no longer accept every ARC request, I am much more discerning here as well. It got to the point that I only felt pressure to read and that's just no fun!
  11. I love this blogger community! I love getting comments on my blog and seeing what others are sharing.
That is probably enough confessions for one day, LOL! What did you do today, confessions or bragging? Or, did you go a different direction altogether?

 I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. I did the same thing, I couldn’t think of one single brag. I don’t keep anything on my Goodreads TBR although sometimes things seem to appear there by magic. The Goodreads giveaways seem like a long shot. I don’t spend too much time looking at them. I do have an Instagram account but I hate social media so it annoys me. The only reason I keep it is because it’s easy to make a short version of a review and post it there.

    1. Carla, I like Instagram because it's not usual political and I only follow things/people I care about what they are posting. I keep Facebook for connections with family and friends.

  2. Wow, those are some big TBR lists! I’m impressed. :)

    1. Lydia, I am embarrassed by how many books I own but haven't read. In my defense, I bought most of them used at super low prices (like under a dollar), so at least I wasn't paying full price and have that many books sitting there!

  3. I love your confessions. I have so many fiction books on my shelves, I can't count. But I did make it a goal to read more of my owned-books. My daughter has also started reading books from our shelves, too. She's finally old enough! I also do not accept every ARC like I used to. I have become very discerning.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I made it a point to count them and put them on Goodreads a few years ago so I would know what I have (and not buy a second copy of something!).

  4. I wasn't clever enough to come up with any bookish confessions, but I love yours. I don't have quite the number of unread books sitting on my own bookshelves as you do, but I do have over 50. And I never seem to make time to read any of them. Library books always get in the way. ;D

    1. Lark, I would love to have *only* 50 on my shelves, but I have brought the number down this year (despite buying more books!), so I am trending in the right direction. I really want it under 200 before the end of the year...but I have won a book, so then it will go up again, LOL! And, yes, the library books get in my way as well, LOL!

  5. I'm too afraid to look at the number on my TBR shelf on Goodreads. At this point, I don't even remember why I wanted to read most of them! I should do a purge but every time I try, I end up keeping the books on the list because maybe one day. 😂

    1. Haze, the struggle is real! I have purged my shelves, but yea, someday!

  6. I love entering book giveaways. Have trouble finding them.

    1. I understand that. Some bloggers have Giveaways, plus Goodreads.

  7. I'm the same with Goodreads giveaways. I've entered a bunch (only for books I'm actually interested in) and never won. Lame!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, right?! But, I know people who have won some, so I still have hope, LOL!

  8. Despite Instagram wanting them (meaning accounts have to post things like this to grow), I've never been into Reels. I'm all about photos or digital things. But I know that's not the majority which means I'll never grow. :) I'm a reader who never took to Kindle reading. I had one for a while (or a Fire) but it broke and I never did replace it. Thanks so much for visiting my list today!

    1. Rissi, I see the point of reels, but it's just not me. I do enjoy Kindle reading, sometimes, LOL!

  9. Can you hypnotize me into feeling #9? Maybe start a life-coaching business dedicated solely into helping people produce that feeling in their own mind?? This would be a gold mine for anyone who could do it, I think. :D

  10. I'm with you, Cindy. I no longer enter contests, or accept free books, or agree to review anything I don't already want to read.

    1. Deb, we have to have boundaries or it will kill our joy of reading!

  11. I dunno...I would consider 6, 7, and 10 more as brags than confessions, personally. Those things take willpower man. I hope you have a great week. - Katie

    Here's my TTT if you wish to visit - https://justanothergirlandherbooks.blogspot.com/2024/10/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-brags-and.html

    1. Thanks Katie, I guess they could go either way.

  12. I've also stopped entering giveaways, especially on Goodreads. I have enough unread books. :)
