Friday, January 3, 2025

How I did with my 2024 goals and some Stats

I did not do any reading challenges in 2024 and that was good for me. I did set reading goals and will work through each one so we can see how I did. Also, I will be sharing an overall look at my 2024 year of reading after the goals, so stick around and see some nerdy statistics 😉

Here WERE my 2024 Reading Goals:

  1. Read 200 books for the Goodreads Challenge- ✔ I read 227
  2. Have a less pressured 2024-this looks like no reading challenges, and way less ARCs.  I am doing reading tracking instead of challenges.  ✔ it was less pressure and I kept up with the reading tracking.
  3. No more than 3 ARCs a month, less is more. Priority reads only! ⛔ I read 42 ARCs last year which is more than I had wanted to do.
  4. Continue to cut back on buying books.  ✔ I did buy less books than I had in previous years. I did a lot less impulse buys and library sales. 
  5. AND, less visits to the library... ⛔ I read 44 books from the library, not counting the 40 I read on Hoopla 😂 What can I say, I love my library!
  6. So that I can continue to read more of what I own. ✔ I am calling this a win
  7. Continue to work on completing series, no specific goal this year, last year I completed 19. ✔ I finished 15 series
  8. Continue to try new authors, again, no set goal. ✔ I tried 77 new authors this year
  9. Try more classics-maybe one month, or one a quarter. ✔ I am calling this a win, I read a few classics this year
  10. Read 2 Kindle Unlimited books a month-I have been paying for this subscription for several years, last year I only read 16 which doesn't make the subscription worth it. If I don't read at least 2 books a month, I need to cancel this subscription. ✔ I am calling this a win
  11. Read books I already own on my KINDLE-maybe one a month?  ✔ I am calling this a win
Here are where things are going to get interesting:
12/31/23 these are my Goodreads stats:
ALL= 3,483                       NOW: 3582 
Read=1435                       NOW: 1664
Want to read=720              NOW: 797 (and I read from this list this past year!😂)
Kindle NF own=19              NOW: 20
Kindle Fiction own=685     NOW: 437
Own NF=35                      NOW: 34 (I read more than 1, but got more as the year went on)
Own Fiction=213               NOW: 203

So, while it looks like my numbers have not gone down, even while doing a lot of reading, they did!
  • I started with 213 of my own fiction, read 42 of my own books, but then bought some, and was gifted others.
  • Kindle fiction started with 685, I read 24, and deleted a bunch I was never going to read.
  • Out of the 227 books I read/DNFd 138 were already on my TBR before 2024!
  • out of the 38 books I bought in 2024, I have already read 19!
  • 135 of the books I read this year were part of a series!
  • My most read authors were Lisa Phillips, Annah Conwell, and Jen Atkinson reading 7 books from each of them, followed closely by Patricia Bradley, Courtney Walsh, and Jaime Jo Wright reading 6 books from them.
  • 12% of my reading was nonfiction
  • My most read genre was Romance
Overall, I am happy with my reading year and goals, but will be doing a bit of tweaking for 2025. Were you happy with where you ended up for 2025?


  1. It's fun to look back and see how you did on your reading goals. And I know how you feel about your Goodreads want to read list going up instead of down...mine did that, too, over the course of the year...even though I was reading books off of it all year long. I blame all those Goodreads giveaways I enter. ;D

  2. Wow, I wish I could read that much in a year!! Great job with your reading goals! I, too, am a library addict :D

    1. Karis, audiobooks have helped me tremendously. I will listen to a book as I workout, clean the house, do laundry, and sewing projects.

  3. I think you did amazingly well on your goals for the year. I like them all, except maybe cutting back on visiting the library. That's one goal I will probably never be able to achieve!

    1. Thanks Deb, I love the library and have no real desire to stay out of it. I had wanted to cut down my trips to force myself to read what was on my shelves ;)

  4. Congrats on doing so well with your goals! That's awesome! I'm going to try to read more books that I already have. Happy New Year! :D
