Friday, February 9, 2024

Be Rich (Ephesians)

Title: Be Rich Gaining the Things That Money Can't Buy Ephesians Commentary

Series: The "Be" Commentary

Author: Warren Wiersbe

Publisher: David C. Cook

Genre: Nonfiction, Christian Living, Commentary

Source: Own

My Review

My go-to commentaries are the "Be" series by Warren Wiersbe. I decided I wanted to read Ephesians again, so I picked up my copy of Be Rich to enhance my experience.

I always learn so much from commentaries and this was no exception. I love that Wiersbe's commentaries are easy to understand and not overly academic. Wiersbe takes small sections of each chapter and breaks them down into manageable nuggets of truth. For example, he takes chapter 1:1B-2  (a verse and a half) and takes time to explain what it means to be a saint. After he has explained that, he explains how they became saints. 

If you are looking for a commentary to enhance your study of scripture, I highly recommend Warren Wiersbe's books.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

In a society where wealth is often the measurement of success, popular author and Bible teacher Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe unravels Ephesians to reveal the countercultural nature of the gospel. Through helpful illustrations and analysis, he opens our eyes to the riches that we already have in Christ—though we rarely take advantage of them.Not only has God given us the promise of an eternity in heaven, He has given us the reality of a relationship with Him right here on earth. Be encouraged in this good news and stop seeking the things of this world, for we already have the priceless gift of eternal life in Christ!

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