Monday, July 15, 2024

Just Look Up

Title: Just Look Up

Series: Harbor Pointe #1

Author: Courtney Walsh

Publisher: Tyndale Fiction

Genre: Christian Fiction, Contemporary Romance,

Source: Kindle Own

My Review:

I love reading Courtney Walsh's books and have been going back and reading some of her older works. However, Just Look Up was somewhat of a disappointment.

I had a hard time relating to Lane.  She is an unlikable character, and while I am sure she has her reasons, it's hard to relate to how she treats her family and makes work her entire world. I didn't care for how her family treated her or how the townspeople treated her as well. She is bitter and self-involved. It wasn't until over 75% of the book that we start to see positive character development.

I liked Ryan but he kept vital information to himself and that annoyed me and made him seem less honest. Other than that, I appreciated the way he cared for his family and his found family and friends.

Just Look Up is not a light read. It deals with bitterness, family dysfunctions, an accident with an uncertain outcome, and forgiveness. It definitely feels like real life, messy, broken, with a hope of redemption.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

After tirelessly climbing the ranks of her Chicago-based interior design firm, Lane Kelley is about to land her dream promotion when devastating news about her brother draws her back home--a quaint tourist town full of memories she'd just as soon forget. With her cell phone and laptop always within reach, Lane aims to check on her brother while staying focused on work--something her eclectic family doesn't understand.

Ryan Brooks never expected to settle down in Harbor Pointe, Michigan, but after his final tour of duty, it was the only place that felt like home. Now knee-deep in a renovation project that could boost tourism for the struggling town, he is thrilled to see Lane, the girl he secretly once loved, even if the circumstances of her homecoming aren't ideal.

Their reunion gets off to a rocky start, however, when Ryan can't find a trace of the girl he once knew in the woman she is today. As he slowly chips away at the walls Lane has built, secrets from his past collide with a terrible truth even he is reluctant to believe. Facing a crossroads that could define his future with Lane and jeopardize his relationship with the surrogate family he's found in the Kelleys, Ryan hopes Lane can see that maybe what really matters has been right in front of her all along--if only she'd just look up.


  1. I haven't read any of Walsh's earlier books...and I'm thinking now that maybe I won't. At least not this one. Her later books have been so good. I'm looking forward to The Summer of Yes.

    1. Lark, I just couldn't stand the character. I have read some of her earlier stuff and enjoyed it, and I might read the next in this series and see how it goes, I haven't decided yet. Yes, I CAN'T WAIT to read The Summer of Yes. Last time I looked I was number 27 in line for one of the copies from my library :)

  2. It's disappointing to hear that Lane is such a difficult character to relate to and that the positive development comes so late in the story. I do appreciate books that tackle real-life issues like family dysfunction and forgiveness, though.

    1. Ethan, I do too, but this one was just too much and too long. I finished it though, so that counts for something!

  3. I haven't read any of Walsh's books yet. Although, I think I'd like them. I'm sorry you didn't like this one as much. :(

    1. Jenni, I think you would like them as well, especially her RomCom type books!

  4. I think I read this one a long time ago. But I know I read one of her Nantucket books, and Paper Hearts. Just cannot remember which others I read! I'd like to read some of her more recent reads because I know she writes all the happy things now. :)

    1. Rissi, I enjoyed her Nantucket books, I have Paper Hearts but haven't gotten to it yet ;)
