Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wait and See

Title: Wait and See: Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans

Author: Wendy Pope

Publisher: David C Cook

Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Self-help,

Source: Own

My Review:

 My two favorite quotes from Wait and See:Finding Peace in God's Pauses and Plans:

 "Waiting is inevitable. Waiting with hope and courage is optional." 

"Waiting well looks forward to the future while staying present in the present. Waiting well means I remain open to God and allow Him to move me toward the future He has planned, in His time."

Waiting is not easy but it is a fact of life. We can't choose how long the wait will be, but we can choose how we wait. I love the idea of waiting with hope and courage. In Wait and See, Wendy walks the reader through ways that you can wait well. 

Overall, this was just an okay read for me. There was nothing earth-shattering, nor did I feel like I got new information.


Synopsis (Goodreads): 

Every woman struggles with times of waiting—for a spouse, a child, a job. In Wait and See , Wendy Pope guides readers to focus on the Person of their faith rather than the object of their wait. Pope draws on the story of King David, who was anointed king nearly twenty years before he took his throne.

This hands-on guidebook invites readers to record their own waiting discoveries. With practical suggestions and real-life stories, Pope shows readers how they can be active in the present as they hope for the future.


  1. I love the idea of waiting with hope and courage because I think waiting can be really hard. It's a good message to remember.
