Wednesday, September 4, 2024

August 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

August was a lighter month for me (work wise), but I still feel like it passed in a blur. I read 24 books, eight of which were audio books. I have been traveling around Ohio for the All Ohio Shop Hop, which is why I have so many books and audio books this month. It was unintentionally a RomCom month too, LOL! Once I started a book and it was good, I found myself bingeing the whole series! Click on the cover of the book if you are interested in the review.






Updates on my 2024 Tracking:

Goodreads: 151/200

Books from my physical bookshelves read: 23 (5 in Aug)

Kindle books that I own: 19 (1 in Aug)

Books read from library: 32 (2 in Aug)

Hoopla (library): 27 (8 in Aug)

Bought: 0

Free Kindle Books added: 1

ARCs Read: 25 (4 in Aug)

Series completed: 10 (0 in Aug)

Kindle Unlimited read:15 (1 in Aug)

Won: 0

It was a great reading month. I read a lot of good books and I read more of what I owned, physical copies, and read from my Kindle. I still want to read more of what I own, but I do have 4-5 ARCs again for the month of September. I need to revisit my goals as we go into the last quarter of the year and see what I still need/really want to accomplish. How was your reading in August?


  1. What a fun reading month you had! And so many of those rom coms are now on my own TBR list. :D

    1. Lark, YAY!!! I am sure you will enjoy them too :)
