Saturday, January 25, 2025

Stacking the Shelves #153, Sunday Post #150, Sunday Salon #144

Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? We got more snow, which might be the new normal for a while, LOL! We have had snow on the ground since January 1. We are experiencing our first true Ohio winter since moving here a little over two years ago. I have another decent size book haul this week. My plan for this weekend is to work on a quilt, read, blog, play games with my family, to to Church, read some more, blog more, LOL. Nothing too exciting or stressful.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! And audiobooks. The Stacking the Shelves meme is hosted at Reading Reality.

NetGalley: None

Library Treasures: None

Kindle Freebies: None

Bought: None

Book Mail: So much FUN book mail that ALL arrived on the same day!!

The Deep-Rooted Marriage and Bible Study book by Dan Allender and Steve Call. I am reviewing this for Front Gate media.
Serial Burn by Lynette Eason. I won this in a giveaway on Kav's blog.

B is for Bonnet by Shelley Shepard Gray, I am reviewing this one for her. I love the way she wraps and sends her books, so pretty!
Emma St. Clair sent me these fun bookmarks. She is updating her book covers to include faces. 

Other updates:

I finished three books this week. It was a busier week, the schools canceled for 2 days because of the negative temps, so we had more classes, a trial class, and make-up classes which means I had less reading time. I have also posted several times recently on my other blog. I talk about one of the greatest nonbookish practical gifts I got for Christmas, how I am dreaming of a Sabbatical, and how I started a junk journal or two (thanks to Deb for the inspiration!)

What you might have missed on the blog this week:

Book Review: A is for Amish by Shelley Shepard Gray

Top Ten Tuesday- So many books to read (books added to the TBR)

Book Review: Molly by Sarah Monzon

Book Review: Dear Mrs. Bird by AJ Pearce (not my typical read but I liked it!)

I am also linking up with the Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.

What books have you added to your physical or virtual bookshelves? I would love to hear from you. Click on the icons below to join in on the fun. Have a great weekend! 

    Sunday Post 
*As an Amazon Associate I earn a small percentage at no extra cost to you whenever you click on a link and shop to your hearts content.*


  1. Hope your locality's better at handling snow than where I live! Ugh, the trouble we had when it snowed, you'd think people had never seen any, haha.

    Hope you enjoy your reading this week!

    1. Nicky, they are pretty good about keeping the roads snowed and plowed. Only when it is coming down fast and heavy do we have trouble, and that's only until it lets up.

  2. We have snow too! Same... it's been here more or less since the holidays. Hope you're staying warm! I've heard good things about Lynette Eason's books.

    1. Greg, I am staying warm, mostly, LOL! As much as you can in the winter. I LOVE Lynette Eason's books! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. We had snow for one day and I just about went stir-crazy. I'm not sure I could live in a place like Ohio where there is so much snow.

    I must see what you have done with the junk journal! I am so excited to see that you have started some.

    1. Deb, I enjoy the snow, and we are still able to get out and do things, which is super helpful. I am enjoying the junk journals, thanks again for the inspiration!

  4. Reading and blogging are two tried-and-true activities for dealing with snow and cold.

  5. Your weekend plans sound very nice! Mine include reading, cleaning, church, and a game night with my extended family. What size quilt are you working on?

  6. I tend to hibernate when the temps are too low, so my life is a lot like yours. Have you explored Paperbackswap? It’s basically a nationwide book exchange. I’ve been with them for years.

    1. No, I don't think I've tried Paperback swap. I tend to just give my books away when I am done with them.

  7. Reading, blogging and playing games sounds like a perfect way to spend time!

    Wishing you a lovely week

  8. That's a big book haul for one day. I bet you were very excited.

    1. Vicki, I was and it was a rotten day, so it made it brighter!

  9. Yay, so glad you had so much happy mail during that horrible weather week! Have a good week!

  10. Your plan for the weekend sounds like heaven! I hope you enjoy all your delightful book mail :)

  11. Nice you are going to have so much reading and family time this weekend!

    1. Olivia, we hibernate more in the winter, LOL!

  12. I enjoyed Dear Mrs. Bird, and your book haul is impressive!

    1. Thanks Tina. Did you continue with the series?

  13. I'm guessing that your area deal with snow far more effectively than those of us who only get it very occasionally as it brings Life to a halt here! Your books in the post look like so much fun - that's the drawback with reading digitally, you don't get those sort of surprises. I hope the coming week is a good one:)).

    1. Sarah, Yes, our area is pretty efficient most of the time. I hope you enjoy your week as well.

  14. Lucky you! Book mail is the best mail.

    1. Hena, yes, it is!! I get it every once in a while.

  15. I love book mail.

  16. I love book mail too! That author obviously takes pride in presenting her book. have a great week Anne. Jodie | That Happy Reader ( your blog won’t let me sign in).

  17. What a great book haul! I hope you enjoy them all. I hope the snow gives you some extra reading time. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne, the snow doesn't stop anything here, no snow days, sadly!

  18. We had a day off due to the cold, now I wouldn't mind if we had a snowstorm sometime before March. Once March hits I don't want any more snow.

    1. Victoria, I understand that, by then we are all ready for spring!

  19. Book mail is the best... hope you enjoy them all!

  20. look at all that beautiful bookmail! Awesome! It's been so cold where we live so it has offered plenty of time to read and write in my house. I didn't know you had another blog! That's cool!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yes, that one has been around a lot longer than this one!

  21. Sounds like a hectic week. Sarah didn't have school at all because they got 3-4 inches in Wilmington. She and I had a good laugh over that, since up here she would have been back to school the next day. OBX got 9 inches, which rarely happens. Enjoy your book mail, Cindy!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. If we had still been in NC we would have been stuck at home, LOL!

  22. Fun book mail!

    Have a great week

  23. It has be exciting to open up the mailbox and find all of those goodies! I don’t typically get that much book mail even in a week. I love the Amish ABC series. I can’t believe I have to wait until fall for C. Have a great week!

    1. Carla, I don't typically get that much book mail in a month, it is rare, for sure. I am UPSET that she dumped that cliffhanger at the end of B is for Bonnet and we have to wait so long to see what happens next!! But, I am sure it will be worth the wait.

  24. Your plan for the weekend sounded perfect, especially after the busy week you had. We had a lowkey weekend too. Yay for book mail! You got some really nice goodies and books there! I hope you have a great week, Cindy!
