Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-So many books to read

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection (or to your to-read list!) I always share my recent book additions in the Sunday Post/Salon/Stacking the Shelves memes, so you can see latest books here. Today will focus on the ten most recent books I added to my want to read list on Goodreads. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Top Ten Tuesday-10 recent additions (that have already changed since I typed up this post) to my Goodreads Want to read list (which now houses 758 763 books-send help) (affiliate links):

Spiritual Friendship by Mindy Caliguire-this was referenced in another book I read and it made me want to read this one as well. It's pretty short, but hopefully impactful.
Magnolia Storms by Janet W. Ferguson-I have several of the books in this series on my Kindle, so I decided I should start with the first book of the series, so I added this one to my shelves.
Where Prayer Becomes Real by Kyle Strobel-this one was also referenced in the same book and it sounds interesting, so I added it.
What Your Body Knows About Happiness by Janice Kaplan-this might have been referenced in the same book, but I don't remember. It sounded interesting so I added it to my list.
The Deep-Rooted Marriage by Dan B. Allender-I have a happy marriage but I am always looking for books to help me grow in all areas of my life. 
Walking with God by Anna Fitch Courie, another one I don't remember where I heard about it, but you all know I have been on a health journey. I feel like I need all the help I can get, LOL.
Smoochin' the Wrong Twin by Madison Love-I am always up for a good romcom and this one sounded funny (from the title), hopefully not a love triangle!
Love Blooms on Valentines by Chautona Havig-I am hit or miss on novellas, but this looks like a cute collection.
Disastrous or Delightful by Regina Walker-another one I think will be funny by the title.
Cooper Bailey is a Cinnamon Roll by Jen Atkinson. I loved this series and have been waiting for this book to come out! It releases in February (perfect cover for Feb.) and I can't wait to read it.

Obviously, just because these books have been recently added doesn't mean they will soon be read, LOL. You know how it goes. Several years from now one or more of these will probably still be sitting on that want to read shelf. 

What topic did you go with this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.

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  1. I love when books are recommended in another book, it makes me want to read them as well. I don’t really like love triangles either. Happy reading!

  2. So many good books. Love it.

  3. I know what you mean about your want-to-read list on Goodreads changing daily...or in my case, growing daily. Though mine isn't quite as high as yours. Yet. ;D And I'm excited about that Jen Atkinson romance, too.

    1. Lark, yes, it is constantly growing, I go through phases where I don't hear about books that I want to read, so it starts to go down, then creeps back up, LOL!

  4. I hope you like them all. That’s a long TBR list!

  5. I love Mindy Caliguire's work, Cindy! Thanks for the heads up on her book.

    1. Linda, I had never heard of her. What have you read and can recommend by her?

  6. I need to read the book about the body knowing about happiness. Thank you for bringing it to my mind. I also gave an explanation why I added books to my list. I appreciate the extra work it took to do so because then I understand a little more why I might like a book you are referencing.

    1. Thanks Anne, I really need to be better at it!

  7. Looks like a great mix of books. Hope you'll love all of these, whenever you get to them!

  8. Girl, I'm not even telling you how many are on my Goodreads Want to Read list. LOLOLOL I need to start walking. Maybe Walking with God should be on my list!

    1. LOL! I love walking and listening to audiobooks, it's just WAY too cold right now, Lisa.

  9. Nice list of books. I want to read a few of those. I hope you get to read them soon.

  10. Our to read lists seem to grow faster than we can read the books. I love the title of Cooper Bailey is a Cinnamon Roll. I think I might enjoy that one. These all look good, Cindy, and I hope you enjoy them when you read them!

    1. Wendy, I highly recommend the Bailey Brother series (Cooper Bailey is the 4th book), they are so funny!

  11. Replies
    1. Lectrice, I love to hear it!! I hope you are doing well!

  12. Looks like your recent Goodreads additions have a nice variety! Hope you enjoy them all (Jen's looks darling) and find lots of good advice in your non-fiction titles and good fun with the fiction ones! :) Happy reading and thanks for visiting my list.

  13. Thank you for being brutally honest about your to read shelf...LOL....I feel like I'm the only one some days and it gives me heart palpitations! But we just all can't help it can we?? Great list, have a great week!

    1. Shellie, I am always brutally honest, LOL! But, this is a safe place, right ;) No judgment zone! I really do try to keep the list shorter, but there are SO many books I want to read and if I don't have them listed somewhere I will forget they exist.

  14. SMOOCHING THE WRONG TWIN does sound funny (and disturbing, actually)! Ha ha. It reminds me of when an acquaintance of my mom's saw my aunt (my mom's identical twin sister) and her husband in a different city and thought my mom was sneaking around and cheating on my dad! LOL. I hope you enjoy all these.

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!


    1. Oh Susan, that is hilarious!! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Great list, Cindy. I am reading Walking with God also. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog this week. Hope you enjoy these.

  16. I was part of a series that Regina was a part of (The Apron Strings Book Series). I really need to read some other of her books too.

    Hope these are all good!
