Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Top Nonfiction books from 2024

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Books I Never Reviewed (Share the titles of books you never reviewed on your blog/tiktok/insta/etc. and if you liked them or not!) Since I have started blogging I have reviewed all the books I have read. If I have not put them on my blog it's because they were either DNFs or books rated lower than 3 stars and I didn't like them. I don't think that list would be very interesting, nor worth spending time on, so I am going to go a different direction today. I am going to share my top ten nonfiction book from 2024.Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Top Ten NONFICTION books from 2024:

Sewing Happiness by Sanae Ishida
Thirsty by Hannah C. Hall
The Cost of Control by Sharon Hodde Miller
Fit God's Way by Kim Dolan Leto
90 Day Bible Reading Challenge by Mary DeMuth
Dolly Parton Behind the Seams
ADHD is Awesome by Penn Holderness
Tired of Being Tired by Jess Connolly
12 Ways to Age Gracefully by Susan U. Neal
Catching Whimsy by Bob Goff
Did you read any good nonfiction last year? If so, I would love to hear your recommendations.

What topic did you go with this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. These all look great. I have never been one to read non fiction.

    1. Hena, it is for sure an "acquired" taste :) I used to struggle with it as well.

  2. I read nonfiction on and off and then usually concentrate on most of them in December. here is my link

    1. Teri, it is not as easy to read as fiction is!

  3. ADHD is awesome sounds like a good read.

  4. Nonfiction is like the hardest genre to review, because you can't discuss the things you can whilst reviewing fiction.

    My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2025/02/18/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-never-reviewed-on-this-blog/

    1. Laurie, that's true, but you don't necessarily have to worry about spoilers either!

  5. What a wonderful list, Cindy. I see books I need to add to my wish list. Thirsty sounds amazing! Kudos to you for reviewing every book you read. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Great list! I don't read a lot of non-fiction but these do look intriguing. Especially Tired of Being Tired caught my eye.

  7. I went with a nonfiction theme too. :-) This is a great list! I have heard great things about Dolly Parton's book and would like to read that one.

    1. Wendy, i enjoyed it. Will be over soon to check out your list :)

  8. My top 3 nonfiction books I read in 2024 are The Betrayal of Anne Frank by Rosemary Sullivan, The Woman they Couldn't Silence by Kate Moore, and Ghosts of Honolulu by Mark Harmon.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Pam, I enjoyed reading The Diary of Anne Frank, so I am curious about The Betrayal of Anne Frank. Thanks for the suggestions.

  9. I need to read that The Cost of Control and I want to read the Bob Goff one. Also the 90 Days book about reading through the Bible. Actually, I might just copy the whole list.

    1. Lisa, LOL! That's funny! I hope you get to them soon.

  10. I don't read anywhere near enough non fiction, other than cookbooks which I don't count in my stats!

    1. Marg, I don't count cookbooks or craft books (normally!).

  11. I read nonfiction sparingly, always trying to add more to my TBR shelf. ADHD is awesome is one that interests me. Nice list, Cindy.

  12. I read a fair amount of nonfiction last year, mostly thanks to being a CYBILS judge for a nonfiction category. I think my favorite NF from last year was THE ENIGMA GIRLS by Candace Fleming.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it!

  13. I've only gotten into nonfiction in the last few years, but it is so essential to helping me learn, since reading is always how I've learned best. As someone who was only just recently diagnosed with ADHD, I don't know how I haven't thought to start reading nonfiction about it, rather than just medical pages. I'll be starting with ADHD Is Awesome, so thank you for providing a jumping off point!

    1. Leah, ADHD is Awesome is a fabulous book! My daughter has it and it helped me understand her better, and the way she thinks. I hope you find it helpful.

  14. A few of those sound good! Sewing Happiness, the Dolly Parton, the ADHD, and the last Whimsy one could be interesting to me (or my daughter). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Becki, obviously I recommend them all, LOL! I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
