Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stacking the Shelves #159, Sunday Post #156, Sunday Salon #150

Hey my bookish friends! How was your week? Mine was A WEEK. My nephew went to the hospital last Saturday with a cough he has had for 2 months, on Tuesday he was diagnosed with cancer! A bit more on that below. My son is having friends over this evening, the worst timing with time-change, but thankful he has the opportunity. I will be hiding in my room with my books and computer 😁.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! And audiobooks. The Stacking the Shelves meme is hosted at Reading Reality.

Net Galley: None

Library Treasures: 

And 8 quilting books I want to flip through.

Kindle Freebies: None

Bought: None

Book Mail: I HAD to buy Emma St. Clair's newest release!

Other updates:

I finished 4 books this week. This is my nephew, Aaron, he went to the hospital on Saturday for a cough he had had for two months, and on Tuesday he was diagnosed with cancer! He has a mass around his lungs and heart and it is inoperable because it is growing into his veins and arteries. He started Chemo Friday, and started his second round today, and will start his third round tomorrow. I am asking all my praying friends to pray for him, his parents, his brothers, and the rest of the family. Pray for him as often as you think of him. Pray for healing, and wisdom for his care team. If you are in or around Lenoir City, please consider buying some baked goods to help offset the cost of his treatment or giving to his GoFundMe account: Anything helps. Please ask your churches, Bible study buddies, and praying friends to pray for Aaron. Thank you, friends, I appreciate it so much. #prayforaaronsteven He is one week younger than my daughter and I can't even imagine going through this with her. 


What you might have missed on the blog this week:

February Reading Wrap Up 2025

Book Review: Amanda by Sarah Monzon

Top Ten Tuesday-Last ten books added to my want to read list

Book Review: But He's My Roommate by Annah Conwell

Book Review: Betsy by Sarah Monzon

Book Review: Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations by V. Joy Palmer

I am also linking up with the Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.

What books have you added to your physical or virtual bookshelves? I would love to hear from you. Click on the icons below to join in on the fun. Have a great weekend! 

    Sunday Post 


  1. I am so very sorry to hear about your nephew. Prayers up for his recovery and for all of you holding space for him.

  2. I’m sorry to hear about your nephew. I hope all his treatments go well. Praying.

  3. Oh my goodness Cindy. I will be praying for your nephew.

  4. So sorry to hear that your nephew is going through cancer. I've been a cancer survivor since I was 23 (39 years ago). Praying that he has a similar good outcome.

  5. I am sad to hear about your nephew. He is so young to be fighting cancer, but, hopefully, that will give him a lot of energy for the battle ahead. I will pray for him.

  6. All my prayers for you and Aaron and his family! That is so heartbreaking and scary. May the Lord keep you all in His arms through this hard time.
