Sunday, March 2, 2025

February Reading Wrap up 2025

February was a weird month. We had a lot of sickness, followed by a lot of working having to make up canceled classes. I read 16 books in January and DNFed 1. Click on the cover of the book if you are interested in the review.






Updates on my 2025 Challenges:

Goodreads: 33/200 

Shedding 47 books before 47: 21/47 (plus 17 nonfiction)

Mount TBR (own books) 14/48

Virtual TBR (on to-read before 2025): 15/36 (and 4 DNF)

2025 Read your Bookshelf Challenge (Chantel): 2/12

Oceana's #readchristianromance: 9/12

Susan's 2025 Cover Lover's Reading Challenge: 12/10

Nicole's 2025 Reading Challenge: 2/12

ARCs Read: 6

Series completed: 2

Won: 1

Well, overall, this was a good reading month. I am thrilled with starting out strong with reading my own books, but also reading from the library (virtual TBR).  I am still taking on too many ARCs, I have managed to get in with several nonfiction places as a reviewer, and I can't help myself!!


  1. I read 16 books in February, too, though you had more 5-star reads than I did. I hope March is a healthier, happier month for you and your family!

  2. To Kill a Mockingbird is one my husband recently read to our son. I believe we have the second book around here somewhere... I need to make the time for both!

    1. Lindsi, I wanted to read the second book after I finished the first, but when I heard how they changed Atticus, I will not be reading it.
