Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Most Recommended Books

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is books I recommend to others the most. I don't really have a book I recommend the most because of the diversity of reading interests. So, I am going to do this just a little bit different. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten (So many) Books/Series I Recommend the Most:


The Holly Series by C.C. Warrens. This is one of the best series I have ever read. I have read all of her books and they have all been five stars (I have not read her novella yet). As an added bonus C.C. is very creative and has a bookish shop, check out her T-shirts/swag, I want them all 😂


Over the last year or so I have started reading contemporary romantic comedies. I devoured Emma St. Clair's Love Cliche series. Now I am reading her books as they come out, I can't get enough of them. The humor is what keeps me going back to her books.

Historical Fiction:

This used to be the category I read the least in. My go-to's would be suspense and contemporary love stories. However, I found several authors that made me fall in love with historical fiction. I still struggle with some other authors, but overall, I now enjoy historical fiction. Amy Lynn Green's Things We Didn't Say is fabulous. Jen Turano's A Change of Fortune is the first book I read by her and now I have read almost all of hers! I love the way she infuses humor in with the historical details. Another historical fiction author I have been catching up on is Karen Witemeyer. The first book that I read of hers was More Than Meets the Eye, I was hooked and found a new author to love. I love listening to Karen's books on audio as well, they have quite a bit of humor as well.

Science Fiction:

I am not a Science Fiction fan at all, it is something I tend to avoid at all costs. However, when Jody Hedlund's Come Back to Me came out, it was super hyped. I loved the cover and was fascinated by the premise. I eventually checked it out from the library and I loved it! I liked the second book, but not as much as the first. 

Books that stuck with me:

The problem with a post like this is that I want to share ALL the books 😂. So, instead, I will say, if you see something you are interested in, and want more recommendations similar to these, feel free to check out my all my favorites on Goodreads! I didn't even touch on Classics, young adult, nonfiction, etc.

What did you do this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below. 


  1. How the Light Gets In sounds interesting.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-ive-recently-recommended-to-others/

  2. Oh wow! All of these look so good Cindy and sadly, I haven't read any of them!😥 I have a feeling my TBR mountain is going to blow up today.💣💣

  3. Emma St. Clair is an author I have been meaning to try.

  4. Your list is fantastic...so many excellent stories. It makes me want to go back and read them all again. I, too, am relatively new to Emma St. Clair's novels. They are SO good!

    1. Nicole, thank you! Yes, Emma's books are fabulous and I have reread several of them :)

  5. Hope between the pages sounds like the book I'd want to read. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/books-i-recommend-to-others-the-most/

    1. Stefani, it was SO good, I highly recommend it!

  6. I couldn't figure out how to do this week's TTT, but I love your recommendations. Turano and Witemeyer are two favorite authors of mine, as is Emma St. Clair. And I absolutely love Yttrup's Words. :D

    1. Lark, I tried not to overthink it (like I normally do) and almost skipped it, but glad I went the direction I did :)

  7. It's smart to have go-to authors/books for a variety of genres since you never know what someone's into. I've only read NO ONE EVER ASKED, which I really liked, but a bunch of the others are on my TBR list. *Sigh* So many books, so little time...

    Do I not follow you on GR? I'm going to change that right now!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Never mind! We're already friends on GR. Phew :)

    2. Susan, yes, SO many books (thankfully) and never enough time...yet, there's hope for "someday" more time...retirement maybe?? LOL! At least we will always have a lot of good options!!

  8. I like your approach to narrowing down the books for this list :)

  9. If you've been getting into historical fiction can I recommend both Kate Quinn and Madeline Martin's books? I've been getting more into historical fiction in the past couple of years (after always enjoying it but only really reading the occasional one) and those two are both authors that I've really loved.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/09/top-ten-tuesday-419/

  10. I just recently started reading romcoms. I'll have to check those out! :)

    1. Meezan, I love romcoms!! Sometimes you just need a light read!

  11. So many great books! I need to get caught up on Emma St. Clair's books, but I've loved everything I've read by her so far.

    1. Ashley, I still haven't read her earliest works, but she is in the process of revamping them, so I will wait.

  12. I know SO many people on Instagram love Emma's books and years ago I read something by Jen, too. Jessica's book is really fun and I still need to read Amy Lynn Green's!! Her books sound so good. :)

    1. Rissi, obviously I love all these authors :) You MUST try one of Emma's and Amy's!!

  13. C. C. Warrens’ books sounds fabulous and are now on my TBR! Thank you for sharing!
