Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Net Galley rejections that crushed me

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is things that are getting in the way of reading. I get a fair amount of reading time so this doesn't really apply to me.  So, I decided to go with a topic that Lisa @thePlain-Spoken Pen did recently: Net Galley rejections that hurt my heart. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

10 Net Galley rejections that crushed me AND have I read them yet?!

10/31/20 no, nor is it on my TBR 🤷 when I finally read the first one I might put it on the TBR.


10-28-20-no, it is still on my TBR.
10-27-20-my first rejection on Net Galley!-✔
10-27-20-no, it is still on my TBR.
1-7-21-no, nor is it on my TBR. I am indifferent to this one.
3-8-21-no, even though I have it on my physical shelf!
10-31-20-no, nor do I have any desire to.

My Net Galley stats: READ-140, TO READ-2, DECLINED-21, 

ARCHIVED Not downloaded-1-which has always bugged me because they approved me after it archived and I couldn't download it, I now own it and plan to read it, then review it, LOL. Did I miss out on anything great that I should read on this list?!

What did you do this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below. 


  1. I’m sorry you were rejected as a reviewer for these books!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-things-getting-in-the-way-of-reading/

    1. Lydia, obviously it is fine, I was crushed for about 5 minutes, and then was over it, LOL!

  2. I'll have to remember this topic for a TTT freebie! There are some NetGalley rejections that just about did me in. (Berkley, I'm looking at you.) Did you ever get to read Pudge and Prejudice? I really liked it!

    1. Lisa, I got this topic from you, LOL!! You did it a while back, but can probably do it again with 10 more! No, I never did read Pudge and Prejudice.

  3. I so identify with this post! How great of you to share with us and we totally understand. I had waited for a book that I really really wanted recently and was rejected. Great topic :)

  4. These are so good. Thank you for sharing. Regine

  5. Replies
    1. Deanna, yes it is, but I can't complain, I have read a lot of good books through them.

  6. Ahh, NG rejections is the worst!

  7. I always take it so personally when I get rejected for a book I really want! LOL

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. I see neither of us followed directions today. Lol. I didn't even explain why I didn't do the assigned list. I just went off in a different direction. I've never been rejected by Net Galley because I'm not a member. Lol. I've never read an ARC. Have a great rest of your week! :)

    1. Meezan, I have cut way back on Net Galley. You are not missing a whole lot by not having read an ARC.

  9. This topic makes me laugh. NG can be so mean sometimes! My ratio of books reviewed to those requested is abyssmal, so I should probably just be grateful that I get approved for anything. Ha ha.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, LOL, I get it. I am thankful too for the ones I get.

  10. Great list! Man, I hate it when NetGalley rejects your requests for a certain book. I tend to get a lot of rejections from NetGalley myself, especially when it comes to a book that I really want to read.

    Here’s my TTT

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  11. Honestly I'm glad I never did much with NetGalley. I feel like, when I was receiving ARCs (back in the day!), adding NetGalley on top of it, I'd have never read anything. ;) I did read Pudge and Prejudice and thought it was fun.

    1. Rissi, I understand that completely. I was reviewing for so many places that is how I felt. I finally narrowed it down.

  12. Can you believe I've never requested a book on Netgalley? I have an acount but I'm such a mood reader, I just... haven't.

    Point of Danger looks good.

  13. I don't request books on Netgalley! I find it's too easy for me to forget about books that are on my ereader.

  14. I may borrow this one for the next time I'm not feeling the given topic! I've stopped using Netgalley now, I got into a big reading slump in 2021 and just fell so behind on all the books I requested and I realised I was finding it more pressure than fun so I decided to stop. I sometimes miss getting to read books early but I don't really love reading e-books anyway and the books I'm really excited for I'm always going to read no matter what. Still, there were definitely some rejections that really stung at the time.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/05/17/top-ten-tuesday-420/

    1. Oh, I totally understand the feeling of pressure! Yeah, I thought it was funny that they stung at that time, but now I have no desire to read them, LOL!

  15. My first few declines broke my heart, but now I am used to it. I often read the book anyway (library, KU) but not always. I never understand their rules. I will request 3 books from the same publisher and get approved for two and declined for 1. I have been declined and then gotten a widget to download. Who knows. Great topic, Cindy.

    1. Thanks Carla, yeah, it is hard to understand what will make them pick us or decline us.
