Saturday, September 30, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #89, Sunday Post #86, Sunday Salon #80

Hey bookish friends! How are you all doing? Any plans for the weekend? I am in Pennsylvania for the weekend for a ladies retreat with some women from my church! I got here yesterday and went to a Cain, Katy Nicole, and David Leonard concert last night. It was fabulous!! I am worn out though, LOL! Today we are supposed to do a prayer walk/journaling activity this morning, go plant a succulent garden this afternoon, followed by an evening of relaxing. We head home tomorrow.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! And audiobooks. The Stacking the Shelves meme is hosted at Reading Reality.

NetGalley: None

Library: None-we are on a break 😂!

Kindle Freebies: None

Book Mail: None

Bought: None

Other updates:

I finished 4 books this week.

My monthly update is on my other blog if you are interested in it.

Picture from the concert last night

What you might have missed on the blog:

Book Review: Miles From Where We Started

Book Review: Dark of Night

Top Ten Tuesday-Fall TBR 2.0

Book Review: Break of Day

Book Review: Ready to Fumble

Book Review: An Uncommon Courtship

I am also linking up with the Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.

What books have you added to your physical or virtual bookshelves? I would love to hear from you. Click on the icons below to join in on the fun. Have a great weekend!
Sunday Post


  1. No plans for the weekend which is nice for a change! I almost don't know what to do with myself lol. Hope your retreat is going awesome :)

    1. Thanks Greg. It went well and I came home completely wiped out :)

  2. It sounds like you are having a fantastic time! I hope you will post photos of your succulent garden. The concert must have been great, too. Enjoy your time away!

    1. Deb, I didn't end up ding the succulent garden, I wasn't feeling well, but did have a good time.

  3. I've just finished reading The Portuguese Escape, by Ann Bridge, a great author. Just posted that review and other September happenings.

    1. Claudia, awesome, I will pop over and see what you have been reading.

  4. Glad you had fun at the concert. Can't believe you got no books this week. Great job! I really need to have a week or two like that.

    1. Mark, don't we all, LOL?! It is an opportunity to catch up.

  5. The concert sounds fun and great plans for the rest of the weekend! Enjoy it!

  6. Sounds like you are having a LOVELY time at your retreat! That's great. Enjoy!

  7. LOL!! That's funny we both referred to the whole "break" joke! :D Your retreat sounds lovely. Have a great week! :-)

  8. Sounds like a nice retreat! It's so nice to just get away sometimes. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Lisa, it was nice to get away. I hope you have a good week as well.
