Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Valentine's Reads

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Love Freebie. I have been gathering books (from my shelves, Kindle, and the library) to read for Valentine's day, so I thought it would be perfect to do a Valentine's post. Not all the books are about Valentine's day, just ones I thought would be good to read this month. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Valentine's Books I had planned to read but probably won't get to:

Delivered with Love by Sherry Kyle
Love Arrives in Pieces by Betsy St. Amant
Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations by V. Joy Palmer
Valentine Gold by Danielle Thorne
Love's Truest Hope by Laura V. Hilton
A Heart for Valentines Day by Brenda Clemmons
A Haven for Her Heart by Susan Anne Mason
A Valentine from Charleston by Ashley Clark
He's So Not My Valentine by Savannah Scott
Love Blooms on Valentines by Chautona Havig-this one releases 2/14/2025
With the exception of the last book on this list, all of these have been on my TBR for a year or more. I look at the list and wonder why I haven't read them yet. I think I need to bury myself in a bubble so I don't hear about new releases or something, LOL! I truly do want to read all these books and maybe this will be the year. Have you read any of these? Which ones would you read first?

What topic did you go with this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. A Valentine from Charleston looks right up my alley!
    Here is my TTT: https://thissideofstoryland.blogspot.com/2025/02/top-ten-tuesday-best-romance-subplots-i.html

    1. Karis, I loved other books by her so not sure why I haven't gotten to this one yet.

  2. It's always dangerous for me to look at your TTT lists because I always end up adding several books to my TBR list! And this time is no different. I'm off to look up A Haven For Her Heart and Delivered With Love. ;D

  3. These all look so good. Happy day of love.

  4. I chose rom coms for the trope but not necessarily Valentine's Day themes. Good selection!

    1. Harvee, can't wait to see what you shared! I love romcoms!

  5. I had not heard of any of them yet, but I hope other commenters will have good advice for you. :)

    Here is our post: https://www.longandshortreviews.com/miscellaneous-musings/top-ten-tuesday-love-freebie

  6. Love Blooms on Valentine’s looks cute.

    Here is my post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-platonic-relationships/

  7. I haven't read any of these, i usually read romance as an incidental subplot.
    my topic for the day is: top ten romantic books and why i read them.

    1. Nothing wrong with that at all! I enjoy books with romance in them, but they don't have to be the main focus.

  8. Love Arrives in Pieces has such a pretty cover. Hope you'll love all of these!

  9. I've seen the Love Blooms on Valentines on several lists. It must be good.

  10. I haven't heard of any of these! Hopefully you're able to get to a few of them. 😅 The life of a book reader is hard one, lol. So many choices!

  11. I love how varied the covers of these books are and yet they all look so inviting! Such great picks!

  12. These ALL look so good! How ever will you choose??? Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Colletta's Kitchen Sink! Have a wonderful bookish week :)

  13. Nice list, Cindy. I saw Palmer's book at a couple of other blogs this week. Hope you get to read these soon. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

    1. Cheryl, interesting, especially since it is an older book!

  14. I used to have that first book on my shelf! I had it for years and don't think I ever read it so I unhauled it at some point. Ashley's is one I hadn't see (looks like a great one to read this month!) and I remember loving the "look" and the sound of Betsy's back when it came out. :) Fun list and thanks for visiting mine today!

    1. Rissi, it's not been on my shelf that long, just a few weeks (a recent pick up at a used bookstore). So, hopefully I will get to it before deciding it needs to go, LOL!

  15. I haven’t read these. Delivered with Love has a really cute cover. If you find the bubble, let me know about it. LOL

  16. So many awesome covers, Cindy. You've still got half of February to fit a few of them in. 💖

    1. Carla, so true, and I will do my best to get to them.

  17. These look so good. I haven't read them, but I know that feeling of wanting to read books and never getting a chance because of all the new releases.

    1. Yvonne, yes, but I do get a lot of time to read, so I can't complain.

  18. Hey, I sent my message on the wrong form!
    I only recognized 2 or 3 authors. I need to check out these books soon.

    1. No worries, Robbie! I hope you find some new ones to love!

  19. I look at my TBR books in the same way--why haven't I read them yet? Maybe because there are so many? LOL I hope you enjoy all of these, Cindy!

  20. If i am looking through my Kindle I often wonder why I haven't read certain books yet!

    1. Marg, because they are hidden and we totally forget about them!
