Saturday, September 9, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #87, Sunday Post #84, Sunday Salon #78

Hey bookish friends! How are you all doing? Any plans for the long weekend? I went to visit a new to me fabric store this morning, then went to the library. This afternoon I am doing some work for my small business, then plan to rest. Tomorrow is church and relaxing.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! And audiobooks. The Stacking the Shelves meme is hosted at Reading Reality.

NetGalley: None

Library: A bunch of cookbooks, quilting/sewing books and these:

Kindle Freebies: None

Book Mail: None

Bought: None

Other updates:

I finished 6 (one was a novella!) books this week. One was an audio book that I had been listening to for a bit. I still need to write the reviews for two of them.

What you might have missed on the blog:

Book Review: A Noble Masquerade 

Book Review: April's Promise 

Top Ten Tuesday-September TBR Hopefuls

Book Review: A Lady of Esteem (novella)

August Reading Wrap-Up

Book Review: Letters From My Sister

Book Review: Dead Wrong

First Line Friday #103-The Fall Back Plan

I am also linking up with the Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.

What books have you added to your physical or virtual bookshelves? I would love to hear from you. Click on the icons below to join in on the fun. Have a great weekend!
Sunday Post


  1. That's a lot of books for one week! I hope you have another good reading week.

  2. As usual, I've added too many ARCs to my list. I couldn't resist NetGalley. Wish I could read them all, all at once! Have a good week.

    1. Harvee, I have not been on Net Galley recently, LOL! It's better that way. I do tend to TRY and slow down on ARCs this time of year.

  3. You've been a busy reader! I finished a few, but not close to 6! Hope you have another good reading week ahead!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, I wasn't feeling good for 2 days and couldn't do much, so I read, LOL! I also was moving around a bunch the other days, which helped with audio book listening, and I finished 2 :)

  4. My mother loved to visit fabric stores. I think she felt about it the way I feel about going to bookstores.

    I read Be Happy long ago, and I still have a copy on my bookshelf. I think it's the last page that I photocopied. I always add that photocopy to the back of each new journal I start---as a reminder.

    1. Deb, you are the one I learned about Be Happy from and I have wanted to read it ever since. I finally requested it from the library :) I love fabric stores and book stores ;)

  5. You did a lot of reading last week! Hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday.

  6. Ooh looks like some spooky reads! Hope you're having a nice weekend :)

  7. Your books look good. I hope you enjoy them and have a great week!

  8. I miss going to the fabric stores with my Mom! While she looked for fabric I would flip through the huge pattern books or else I'd be in the button aisle looking at all the fun buttons! I think the fabric store we went to most often was called Calico? This was in the 70s and 80s.

    1. Jinjer, I haven't heard of that one. Sounds fun.

  9. Oooo those Jaime Jo Wright books look so good!!!

    1. Erin, have you not read her?! Girl, you MUST!!! Her books are a little on the creepy side but SO good!!!

  10. Hope you find some recipes and craft ideas you'll love in your stack of library books.

  11. I hope things are going well with the new business! It looks like you had another great reading week, Cindy! I hope you have a great week and enjoy many more books. :-)

    1. Wendy, the business is slow, sadly, but to be expected. I did have a good reading week!

  12. I hope you had a wonderful long weekend

    Wishing you a great reading week
